Transport Limousine Service, Inc.Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Transport Limousine Service, Inc. Transport Limousine Service, Inc. has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 139 designs from 24 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Yulia Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #60 Withdrawn New #61 Withdrawn Prefers others. #41 Withdrawn Prefers others. #10 Discussion transportlimo Client Really nice design. Like the colors and font of the company name and motto. The monogram font is slightly difficult to read, maybe more spacing or different font? 12 years ago Yulia Logo Designer Thank you for your feedback!I uploaded the new version #41Yulia 12 years ago Yulia Logo Designer What kind of fonts do you like? 12 years ago transportlimo Client Perhaps a Serif font with more spacing so that the monogram is more identifiable. 12 years ago transportlimo Client #60 - Gorgeous colors all around! Easier to read the monogram. Can't say I find anything wrong with this entry. Like the sparkle as well.#61 - Again, colors and font perfect. Really easy to read with it being centered. Love the stars. Cool crisp and powerful. #10 - As mentioned previously, our monogram is difficult to read, but otherwise what a great effort! #40 - As mentioned previously, prefer a serif font as opposed to a sans serif font. 12 years ago