Hi!, thanks so much for the invitation to join your contest. My version is a wordmark logo that show the "translation" given by the transformation the name "translation" suffers along the word. The word has 3 parts. First part would be the name to be translated. Middle part is the service you provide (translation) and the last part is the result. Besides that the word is connected (shows connection between the parts). Easy, clean and subtle. It reads well. The different writting styles fit together and match visually.
Nat, Thanks for your submission. It's interesting...simple yet interesting...and has movement. On your second entry (#96), that sphere is a little harsh. We prefer a softer warmer feeling. Would you be willing to submit two variations:
1) if you look at some of our other ranked submissions, we have ones with Arabic, Japanese, and Syrriliic characters in them. Is there any way you could have these words behind the text of your entry, but in the round shape of your current sphere? we want the words to "move" not just be static. They can be very soft/faint...maybe in a softer orange?
2) Also, can we get another version that skips the characters, but rather makes the sphere a soft, emanating glow from the text? please refer to this other designer's logo for reference: https://logotournament.com/images/entries/2081256377-223.jpg
not sure if any of these added elements would work with what you've already got or if it will too crowded, but would love to see.
thanks for your creative submission and hard work!
Can we ask for some more variations, tweeked versions- to see if any of our other ideas meld with your visuals?
Firstly, question: What is that element on the top left of the sphere? not the shining star (which we like) but the other element? I think you did that to add depth? ...can you give us version without that? ...cleaner, like entry #108?
Also, Can you please:
1) Give us another version of number 107 that makes the sphere and words the same blue as the "by Design"?
2) Can we see similar variation of number108, where the sphere is blue (and words white)? (we love the glow on number108 though...is there a way to retain that with the blue?
3) In number109 (the one ranked #1), can we see a variation that somehow makes some (just some- not all) of the characters on the globe stand out a little bit? maybe make some in blue? (and without that mark on the left side, next to the shining star..we like the star, leave that).
These are just some variations we'd like to see. We love what you've done so far, and look forward to seeing the new variations. let us know if anything we said is confusing and you need better direction.
sorry about the delay in getting more information/feedback to you. We love the ranked entries, but would like to play with some elements of them; some mixing together of elements, some expansion of elements, etc. In general, we'd like to see some softer versions with either white backgrounds, softer black that either fades to black in the corners or fades out of black at the edge, and/or more encompassing glows from the spheres.
So, I'll try and be clear, forgive me if it gets jumbled...and by all means feel free to ask for clarifications.
1) Variations of number 148: a) Can you give us a version like number 140 (white background and all other colors the same), but with the sphere glowing like in number 148? b) On number 148, can you expand the glow of the sphere so that it spreads more around the rest of the logo? c) Can we also see a variation of 148 that makes the "Translation" the darker rust color that we find in that warm glow of the other variations? (like the color used in 140). AND, can we see the "in design" in blue with that version? We'd like to see a blue "in design" with that blue sphere and more glow to see how it ties together.
2) Can we see some variations of "Translation" in blue?
3) Variations on 143: a) Can we see a variation of number 143 that has less shading on the sphere? (we notice the shading is/seems darker and so the sphere seems smaller....if we could see it more broadly like in 145 or 142, that would be great. b) With "Translation" as the darker orange/rust. And, with that, can you add some kind of white/blue soft glow around the sphere and words so as to soften the darkness a little? c) maybe this one with "translation" in blue version, too.
The owner would also like to see a version (and I'm not sure this will work, but she wants to see) where we add the reflection of the sphere below the words? so that it seems to be sitting/floating on a sphere reflection as well? (does that makes sense?)
Thank you so much for your wonderful work. We realize these are a lot of tweeks. We love your concept and just need to tweek the colors/feeling a bit. Thanks again.
Thanks so much for all the great new variations. ...we're getting closer and appreciate your patience. :)
Just a couple things:
We love the glow on 151 and 161.....you have the glow wider on those and that far reaching light into the black is what we're seeking. Also, we prefer the versions without the black borderline on the sphere.
1) can we see number 161 with a white glow and blue Translation AND white glow and darker rusted orange color on "Translation"? (so two variations) .....keep the width of the glow, that's great....if not even add more.
2) Can we see number 158 at the same size as 161? AND can we see another variation of that adjustment where the blue glow goes out even more into the blackness? it's ok if it goes beyond the words......and makes the black less.
3) variation of 156 withOUT the black line on the sphere, and much more white glow.
4) number 152 with the warm rusted glow of number 145 (#1 and #3)
sorry if any of these are redundant or confusing....honestly, I'm getting a little confused myself, haha, there's so many wonderful version now.
But, those three adjustments are one step closer to what we want. We really want to disperse some of the darkness of the black with that glow, so the more it can go out the better. oh, and thanks for those versions with the bottom sphere...we decided it didn't work as well. thanks.
Nat- thank you so much for all your hard work. Just couple more tweeks and we'll have a "winner".....
Firstly, we LOVE the way you did the GLOW on number 170.....the way it sits at the edges, etc....and especially the way it fades to a more greyish glow at the outer parts- it's not as bright as if it was all white and we like that.
Can we get the following variations:
1) number 170 without the blue globe, but with the globe from number 155 instead. (keep white glow)
2) number 170 with globe from 155/143 BUT with the glow COLOR from 145...that copper/warmer glow diffusing out (it can start darker closer to the globe and get lighter in tone as it goes out....or vice-versa, whatever you think works better.) keep the glow style/diffusion diameter
Then, can we see the changes above with different color text of Translation on them? ....so, variations with ALL white lettering - incl. "Translation" (probably on the darker copper glow one...) as well as the darker orange for Translation.? ...maybe a blue color on the copper shading?
and we like the bold "in design"...keep that. (thanks for making that change)
One last note...in regards to the black outline you have around the front text "Translation".....we like the way it blends in on number 145 (because the outline doesn't stick out on the "t" as much and is softer....but we realize that's due to the darker shading you have on that side of the globe of 145. Keeping that in mind, if on these new variations you could make that outline blend in more, like it does on 145....with the shading- if possible? (maybe it means keeping that equatorial shading even with the glow?...if that's graphically possible)
This should be the last round of revises, and we know we have to pick a winner. We want to thank you for all your hard work and want you to know that we will recommend you- definitely!
All changes uploaded. About the black blending into the globe it´s because that is another globe, not this one you are requesting. The one with the blend (my favorite one) has a lot of black and more depth. 155 is more plain (in colors and volume)