Thank you for your submission. on #35, I cant tell that this is a butterfly. I like the concept but I'm not sold on the font. Could you resubmit #34 with a different T (I explained in the comments posted) and a different butterfly. I like the size of the font in #24. Thank you.
Thank you for your submission. I like the T, I like the font but the butterfly looks more like a dove than a butterfly. Do you have a different design of a butterfly that you could submit? Thank you for all your efforts!
I LIKE #46 better. I like the darker purple in the letters. The size of the font is the same but the darker color makes it look bigger. I like what you did with the butterfly and the T. Could you please switch the color scheme of the butterfly. (blue is on top and purple is on bottom of the butterfly) Could you do Purple on the top of the butterfly and do the blue on the bottom and resubmit your logo. Thank you again for all your efforts!