I would like to work with you. Do you have the time to do more options if you are in my top five?
I really like the new logo you did. I would love for your to take the graphic to the left side and play around with a few options with Train For Life. One example would be stacking the words.
I really like both of the logo's a lot. Can you provide a few more design ideas using the same or similar graphic? Maybe try a few more type styles and do "for" in type style that can be read a little easier.
Once you finish can you put your favorite logo on a black background so I can see it reversed out?
Also I would love to see you use a color combination that you like the best to see something a little different. Might be nice to compare.
Love the new designs! This is really hard. I am going to see if the logo Tournament will give me one more day before I have to pick a final designer. I will keep you posted. Thanks