Trading Resource Artificial Intelligence Network (T.R.A.I.N.)Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Trading Resource Artificial Intelligence Network (T.R.A.I.N.) Trading Resource Artificial Intelligence Network (T.R.A.I.N.) has selected their winning logo design. For $675 they received 355 designs from 48 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by PonetzGraphics Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. Prefers others. 2 Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. Prefers others. 1 Prefers others. 3 Prefers others. 3 Prefers others. Prefers others. Comment Activity Smaniscalco commented on #53 Thank you 6 years ago Smaniscalco commented on #54 Thank you 6 years ago Smaniscalco commented on #106 Sorry, that was meant For someone else 6 years ago Smaniscalco commented on #106 Please review the design content and description 6 years ago Smaniscalco commented on #84 Can you make the "AI" different colors so it stands out as well as the words "Artificial Intelligence"? Also, please capitalize the "I" 6 years ago PonetzGraphics commented on #54 Hello Sir! Here are the updates - #84, #85. best regards, Lloyd 6 years ago Smaniscalco commented on #54 Can you get rid of the three dots and make the “AI” the same color 6 years ago PonetzGraphics commented on #53 Thank you for the ranking. The icon is a combination of an AI and a light bulb to symbolize intelligence. I will submit more variations. Best regards, Lloyd 6 years ago Smaniscalco commented on #53 These are interesting. You are the first designer to give me anything with “AI” in it. Can you please expand on this and give me some more designs Please? 6 years ago
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For someone else
Also, please capitalize the "I"
best regards,
Best regards,