Thank you for contributing your work to our effort!
Very creative application of the colors in #2 and #3. Also like the font choice. Both are missing the fish emblem, which is a requirement. Also, I think most people associate the maple leaf with Canada, so it is not the best selection for our brand.
#3 would work better for web site placement if there was not such a drastic height difference from the left to the right. Space use is better for us in #2.
dear ch, thx for your feedback. i'll be back with my new design. and also i'll put fish emblem for your logo. btw, may i change the fish emblem with another look?...but still in fish emblem look?..
dear ch, this is my second submit. and i have put inside the fish emblem. for the entry number #10 i modif the "and" symbol with fish emblem. hope u like it. and the #11 , is represent your slogan for eco painting. thx ch. and im wait for the nect feedback.
Thanks for the leaf change! Any other particular leaf we could try? That one is similar to the one so prevalent with the "green" theme.
Really like the refinement of the design. I would like to see a variation where the height of #10 is reduced. Love the effect of the falling leaves, but it makes the design a little tall. We know from experience that over time, it will be tough to deal with a logo that is not a full rectangle or an overall square shape...especially for our web site.
Saw something that I'm hoping you can accomplish. Don't want to lift from other work, but I've seen a swirling ribbon (larger on one end to smaller) that had the different colors displayed on each "circle" of the swirls. Boy...this sounds bad even when I read it.
Can you try a ribbon element with the colors, rather than leaves?
dear ch, im sorry, im late for replay your feedback. okey, i will try with ribbon, just wait for a moment, i'll be back. and i'll try the best i can sir.
dear ch, this is my new entry for you sir. with swirl ribbons element. hope u like it. please let me know if u want another changing for my design. thx.
These are beautiful...especially #52! Probably a bit too beautiful for a construction business..but I'm sure that's my fault for not being able to describe what I have in mind. I was thinking more like the ribbons they use in rhythmic gymnastics in the Olympics. There was a great example logo not selected in the contest, but I'm sure that's not the right approach here.
dear ch, this my new entry. i just try to play with ribbon pattern. and i try something new with playing paint splat. please consider my efforts. and please let me know if u have something command for me.
Once again, Restless, these are beautiful. You are a very talented artist!
I would like to see #87 in a version where the ribbons are not as tall (less space between the top of the ribbons and the text). Could we also see another version where these are more like brush strokes than ribbons?
dear ch, this is my new entry, another ribbon version, and brush stroke ribbon version. hope u like it. and please let me know if u want something changing on my design.