Touch GreetingsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Touch Greetings

Touch Greetings has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 83 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
I thought of this concept a few days ago, but hadn't found the time until now to put together an entry for your contest. If you like the concept, I would be happy to work with you on fonts, colors, etc. to make it perfect.

15 years ago

Thanks for the designs - I really like the one I ranked near the top. I thought you captured some emotion with the hand-drawn smile, I'm a big fan. I recently extended the contest a bit so I can get some other people with whom I work to provide feedback. I will definitely come back to you with comments in a day or two and we can work to get a final revision done.

Thanks and have a good weekend -

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks much, Jason. I look forward to working with you on this.

15 years ago

I spent the weekend getting some feedback from female friends and your design was the overwhelming favorite. Thanks again for working with me - I'm ending the contest now and selecting you as the winner.

I wanted to see if you could make two adjustments in your final file submissions.
1) Make the background transparent - I'd like to be able to use on other background colors if needed. Let me know if there is a problem doing this.
2) Can you create a second copy of the file with a small "TM" (no quotes) after the "Greetings" in the same green color and upload as well? I'd like one version without the TM and one with if possible.

Thanks again -

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Jason. :-)

Definite yes on both of your requests. I'll get those files prepped (hopefully by this evening) and get back to you to work out the details of transferring them to you.

Thanks much,
15 years ago
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