Hi The Art Operative~ Thank you for your submission. Great use of the circles concept! On Entry #4 can we please make the Totally large and the tan small in black same as the Synergy style The "&" in black Colors brighter purple and more vibrant blue please - see the salon photos in brief
Entry # 7 is too busy..but I do like the font style:)
our team all has selected your design in their rankings but we would really appreciate the revisions made so we can better determine our selections. Slight changes make a BIG difference - much appreciated
I am so sorry for the delay, I'll be posting a few revisions to entries #4 and #5 for you to review this morning. Thanks for your valuable feedback and patience, I'm honored to be in the top 5!
Thanks for your feedback, Linda. I've uploaded a brighter version on #105 for you to review. On a side note, I want to let you know how much we designers appreciate your comment posted on the general contest wall, thank you! It's quite rare to have kind encouragement and detailed feedback from contest holders. A client's appreciation goes a long way for us and makes our job a lot of fun :)
You are very welcome, I too am a designer in my industry and understand how important feedback is both postive and developmental. Thank you for sharing your talent with us in creating a new logo!