Thanks for your submissions! My feeling on these is it is a little difficult to tell that that "TR" part is not just an "R". However, I do like the idea of where you were going.
I prefer #23 out of all three. I am wondering how #23 may look with the "T"part one color and the "R" part a complementary color . I would also be interested to see the brand name done in a smaller size , but keeping the "TR" the size it is. Lastly, it may be great to see the brand name in a couple different fonts as well.
Hi! Thanks a lot for your feedback. I've uploaded some revisions for you. One thing I would say about the concern about the lettermark looking like only an R -- many quite successful and memorable logos have a clever twist on them that, at first glance, people don't recognize. The trick is, once they do recognize it, that makes the logo that much more memorable, which is a key characteristic. That's not to belittle your concerns at all. Just trying to bring another perspective. I strive to make my logos memorable, and hiding an image in a logo is one way to do that.
Anyway, just food for thought. In fact, if you're interested, here's an article by David Airey on what makes a good logo. It's a quick read and some of the best advice you'll get!
Thanks so much for your reply and all the great info. It gives me a lot to think about. I really appreciate it. You are right, it does not initially have to be recognizable as a T and R ( the letterform ) as whatever it is, eventually people will associate that letterform or icon with the brand and brand name. I was getting a little too caught up in the idea of people immediately knowing , upon first glance, what the letterform or icon stood for, you know what I mean? Hearing your perspective really helped me.
Anyhow, thanks so much for the feedback and info and thanks a lot for giving me some other options with color, etc...However I think I like #32 the best - but without color - in just black and grey as in your original entries, although I do still like #23 as well, i just like the font and font size better in #32.