Entry #110: Hal-le-freakin-lujiah! This is awesome! I love the letterform , and the addition of the tiny star is genius- since my jewelry is made with gemstones which actually sparkle! I love that the star is so small, it is just that little addition that gives it some pizaaz, without being cheezy, and the logo itself is still quite simple, yet elegant- AND it definitely feels slightly feminine ( not overly so, which is what i wanted ). Great Job!
I would like to tweak the font of the brand name a little bit though, if possible. Could you space the brand name down vertically a little bit? Just a smidge. So there is just a tiny bit more space from the letterform to the brand name. Also, I would like to see if you can space the brand name out a little further horizontally. Again, just a smidge, but I would like to have the letterform centered over the brand name.
Lastly, I "think" i like the brand name in all caps, but in all caps I think I may prefer a different font, a little less "tall" of a font. Similar to rank #3, or
#5 or #7- to give you an idea. OR perhaps there is another font that goes well with the letterform? Meaning, the style of the T and R???
Thanks again, i really, really like it!