This size, centering, and scale of the house. Selecting you now with a couple of adjustments per your comment earlier. The light gray stripe under TAH will need to be orange.
Please center the logo left to right over Totally About Houses and you win. Will we be allowed on our end to change or mix colors after selection so we can use it in our various marketing materials and on different formats?
Your design is our number one choice. We'd like the following variants to choose from and will close the contest early with your logo winning. We like the deeper blue coloring of your winning design. The orange underscore needs to stay. Variant requested with "TEAM" matching the Totally About Houses color and another with "TEAM" matching the gray of "brokered by..." Can we also see one with the Totally About Houses Team all in orange? We will plan on closing the process upon review of your final submissions.
Wow. This looks great! Can we have a couple of variants with different color schemes and rework the brokered by exp realty inclusion? I think you've got a possible winner here.
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