sent few updates, I've tried to make the shield illustrations look more iconic, twisted ribbons, brand-able and also technically added parameters for high-definition colors. Thank you.
I have adjusted the rankings. I have had dozens of my associates and friends look at all the logo options and NOBODY likes the crest idea. I am the only one that likes the idea of the crest and I feel that I have wasted your time in asking to change direction. I have adjusted the rankings to reflect some of the more simple designs. I know there is not much time, but if you have any ideas that are much more simple and do not involve the crest please post them. I am sorry for the change. I still really like your earlier designs.
Sorry Greg!, no time to change it, even though I've followed all the directions in your brief, I still wonder what aspects you want to talk to your audiences, fans and viewers.
yes your colleagues do the right thing, with the crest you make it like a tornado rescue forces and finally add the symbol of a tornado in it will only make you as a fan of the cartoon is the Tazmanian Devil. and I could not find any branding message you want to convey, my goal was originally set up a design that can tell the most adventurous of you, so that your fans know that what you have is not going to happen every day.
I have specialized in branding, and served to make designs that will deliver more messages and ideas that you have, but it seems I did not have a chance with the current ranking position.
Thank you, wish you best of luck. have a nice storm!