Hey Ryo, Here is what I love. I like the consistency of your logo as it has a level of continuity to the original logo. I like the colour scheme and I know that the logo will work well on dark or light backgrounds. Its great.
I also love the energy in the subfont used for the tag line.
Here is what is missing from the logo. This is now more than a website, its a TV show. The show is about putting myself and my team in harms way to photograph tornadoes from close range. Tornadoes are random, dangerous and destructive. The logo must convey this. The feeling here is that the logo must have energy and some form of graphic/iconography that represents tornado alley. A tornado is obvious, but windmills, wind vanes, the yellow brick road, road signs, our orange truck (see jpegs or website), debris swirling in a tornado.
One idea you may want to investigate is having the words Tornado Hunters feel like negative space, you can see the approaching tornado through the letters...like looking through a window.
Let me know if this helps and if you require additional feedback.