I like the placement of the 3 leaves symbol in #13 more than #5.
#32 could use some color- perhaps the flame symbol and the word "energy" in green. The flame symbol looks a little too much like a flame. I think that might confuse viewers about what we do. Maybe that would change if it were green, or its shape were altered. I would like to see what you think might work better.
I don't care much for the typeface in #74 or #75 or #76.
The new look of #76 and #80 are interesting, but I think using BOTH the green leaf and blue circle is too much. I would like to see #80 without the blue in the "o".
I don't love the typeface used in #197, #146, #212.
But I like the italics/lean of #13. I wonder if you might try to incorporate that into other typefaces that I like, such as #126, #129. I like that it creates a slight attitude of forward movement and life (in a metaphorical sense). Thanks.
Of your entries, I like the leaf in the "p" in #90, and the green lines in #41 and #13, and the globe type sphere in #146. The problem with #146 is that it looks like a globe of earth, which I don't want to do. Also, it shows water, which I am hoping to avoid. I don't love the symbols in #197 or #212.
Okay. Thank you for taking the time to give more feedback. Hopefully I can make the right modifications to produce a logo that is exactly what you're looking for.