The leaves coming out of the letter "o" is interesting, but I'm concerned about difficulty reading the name. Some people struggle to pronounce or say the name topo when they see it, and this might just complicate things. But I like the rest of it so far.
Altered the leaves to allow the O to complete further and not obstruct it so much. Also introduced a new colour to allow the power symbol to become less concealed.
I like the look of both #62 and #63. I like the overlapping letters in #63. And I like the "t" in #63 as well. But I don't care much for the "biological" circles inside the "o". I would like to see it redone without that element, and with ENERGY in green. And you might want to play with the element in the first "o" to try different variations. For your reference, #55, #57, #58 have taken that idea a bit further, using a leaf. I'm not saying to copy that, but wanted to give you some inspiration so you can continue to develop that element.