they may look the same but there is a slight difference in the position of the horses.
If you have any input it would be appreciated. The silhouettes are not as stylized but more realistic. If the stylized image is more appealing I can do the same layout with that.
I really like entry number 28. I would really like to see this design with the word Topline in a more elegant (flowy, cursive?), formal font. also, I think the colors could be a little bolder. I think they're just a little too light and weak. I really like the font you used for the word Equestrian in entry number 26 ( with the Q with the long tail). also, under the horses jaw, there seems to be a little bump that seems a little off. thank you so much, and I look forward to seeing the design!
Yes. I like these much better! However, the blue color still seems to be leaning a bit more toward toward a dark royal blue than an actual navy blue. Would love to see the style of design/font #32, but a little bolder (like the other two). Thanks so much!
Color in #50 is much better! I really like the horse, but still not overly fond of the font used for "Topline." Maybe something a little more cursive looking? I think the big swoops in the T and the P draw attention away from the overall design. Also, would like to see it with the line added back underneath the mane. Thank you! are a couple of different cursive fonts and a true navy. If you need to match the navy in your original printing the % can be given for an exact match on the navy and green.
#86 #87
Would you like to see other cursive fonts? Notice one illustration is with the extra outline on the mane and the other is without...wasn't sure which one you prefer. Let me know if you would like to see any other layouts.
#87 is getting much closer, but I think the T looks a little bit like a J? Maybe still just try a few more cursive fonts? Also, I think the font color got changed, but the horse appears to still be the same color. I think I prefer it with the line in his mane. :) Thank you!
Here are two other fonts with the T more straight up...most of the Ts on scripts are similar to the others. it is a balance between a nice script and a drawn style that has no flair.