I want to get some color into #4 Let's try the TK letters in Yellow and then a red outline around the TK So TK Will Be Red with Yellow. When is the soonest I can end a contest?
#15 - Here is the latest revision, I also made the stitches on the ball red to give it more color. I'm not %100 sure, but I think you can end the contest at any time, as long as you have three different designers ranked 1, 2 & 3.
Keep working with Entry 4 and 7. Not sure what size of pier or ball/sun I likke better. Make the TK White again and maybe outline it with red or yellow or both. Just want to get a little more color in their. But it mith be right as is
Ok, almost there. Do another version just like 13 except make one with the larger pier version. Make another #13 with the larger pier version but also add in a smaller susnet, but make the setting baseball/sub an actual yellow sun.. Finally also can you make the underline of the tk burgers font a baseball bat?? You know we are close
Thanks for the latest feedback, I am away from my design computer today until approx. 6pm (CDT) I will get to work on the latest revisions as soon as I get back. Thanks again, Don