Really love this idea, great looking, not sure how it would go onto as a logo with no words. But it fills all the criteria, could you expand on the colours and I prefer the slogan to have the black background, try messing with colors and I like reflective writing style. Good work
Cool, really awesome. Exactly What i need to look at, some little differences in all, and colors are looking good. You'll definitely be top 5. #32 is what im leaning towards. not sure about the company name being two different colors e.g #40 and #35 Not sure about the green, but it does look high lighted more #33 #8 and #34 have this cool light fade through the middle. Really like that. Thanks
Really nice work, looks clean, timeless and subtle. Exactly what I'm looking for. Can you try to put the shading effect like #8 and #34 into #32. And maybe some reflective window effect in space where the window is, this is just a thought. I'm really keen on #32. Thanks for your entries and in my opinion, the creator of the car idea within this contest. Keep it up.
Hi there sorry for the late answer i just had some trouble with my account and sorry too for the windows you asked for i can't do it here because it's a violation of designer code of conduct and there are other designer that used it before me i will be banned if i do so . thank you .
Hello, I have ranked you number one and the one I am going to choose, can we try the shading part of the window now that the contest has finished? If not, no problem, this is the one I will be using for my business. Your idea was simple, subtle, we'll thought out and great use of feedback and sticking to your same theme. We'll done. Look forward to hearing from you and once you let me know about the updates, if they are possible then I will select you as the winner. The idea I have is just another line or shade within the window area to give the idea that it is reflecting. Not like the dull shade like other designers. Just similar to your lines you are using. Hopefully this make sense to you and appreciate your help.