Thanks, these look great. Please see the general discussion for some generic comments. A big issue is legibility. It is important that the tb be as clear as possible - #35 & #36 for example can be read as "ib," #33, & #34 could be read as "to", etc. - we might not always have the text "TinkerBrick" with the word art. Also, we want a real sense of assembly, smaller parts combining to make a greater whole. Thanks again and please keep posting.
General comment for all designers: Would still like to see some options with color, maybe some gloss, a little more polished high tech feel. Again the B&W comment is only a suggestion for when ( and if) engraved, not a requirement - we want something that has a strong and simple enough form to also work as B&W, but it can have more depth and be more dynamic on the website, in print, etc. Still looking for more "assembled" feel. They all look great, but would like a little more variety early on to help set a final direction and tone. So far most are very similar. We don't want to be locked in to a particular theme or style too early. Thanks again, and great job so far!
Thanks for the new posts. Like the twist, but again I'm afraid if you don't know it is a T & a B it is hard to read. The T turned on its side is clever, but it doesn't stand out as a T unless you know what it is. Thanks again, and I look forward to more ideas.