Razor I like where you are going with the Wolf Head and how you have arranged the Company name. But the color in word "TimberWolf" needs to open up some as it is blending in the Black to much. Change the slogsn to "Leading The Pack In Quality Service" as I commented in the breif.
Can you give me some more color options on the Logo.
Razor I realy like #24 The T in Timberwolf is running into the wolf head please open it up some. The logo is most likly will go on a Black Shirt. Can you give me more color options, maybe darker Yellow (deep Gold) with some orange/red tint in the lettering Also inlarge the slogan some, maybe 25-30%.
Razor I been looking at all the entries, Your on the right track design wise. But I think I might be stating add orange to the colors to much. Im more looking for a deep Gold like a full moon effect. Try this for me Please. Leave the lettering alone as is but change the colors to what you think will work with this. Move your wolf head top center, rotate more balanced. Create a background behind the wolf head with something that looks like a full moon (color suggested) with the wolf head in contrast with that color or maybe a dark grey or even a black shadow howling wolf head.
Razor We like # 82 but not the font style you used on the slogan. can you change it to the font style you used on #78 On the slogan, leave the font style alone on Timberwolf and Maintenance
Can you give me a diffrent wolf head design, mmy partner says it looks to much like a Huskey..