I wanted to offer up something a bit different by including a house in the designs. I used the window to represent the moon in few of them such as #131, #136... Also, for a few, I have the house looking like mountains such as #129 and a wilderness setting within the silhouettes of the house with the center window as the moon #127 and others. Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.
I included #142 so that I can add a gradient to the moon. That design will be fine for print, but of course, it would also require a separate version for screen printing. Please let me know if you would like me to change any fonts or color,
I realy like what you did with # 142 but Im not to keen on the font style can you change it to look like the font style like entry # 64, 150 or 100 Thank You Bart
Thanks for the feedback. I changed the font to a more seriffed font. At first glance some of these entries may look alike, but there are subtle differences between them all. Some have the highlights on the roof and others just an outline. I feel it's important that both the feel of being mountains AND that they are houses comes through. I did a Google search for "Wolf Silhouette" and "Wolf on Roof" and fortunately was not able to find anything similar, so I'm comfortable that it would be a unique logo and tie in the name "TimberWolf" with the the nature of the business "Maintenance".
Night owl Thank you for you entries, We like what we are seeing and enjoy seeing your creativity with every entry. With that said I want you know your designs are real close to what we are looking for. Start fine tuning based on #174 &179 Dont change the Font style, color or the location you have for " TimberWolf and Maintenance" , but If you have any great catch ideas on positioning or organize the slogan and Web address text to go with your design. My partner is not to sure if he likes it all below. But we do like where and how you positioned the words " TimberWolf and Maintenance"
Im not going to rank any more of your design for now, as I dont think its fair the other designers to know what style Im leaning towards. I will keep looking at what you send me and keep communicating with you. I like creativity and you have impressed me, but I want everybody to be creative so I dont want them copying your ideas..
I'll see what other ideas I can think of. Fortunately, LT has some very good designers and the majority bring some great ideas and designs to the party. I had read your comments in the contest brief and figured, wanted to enter something fresh to the mix. My first thought was to add something that speaks to what you guys do, hopefully it moving in that direction. :)
Sorry, I had a couple of more ideas to throw out there for you guys. :) I will be out starting Thursday evening for just a couple of days (my kid's last hurrah before school starts up again), so I want to give you all the variations and ideas possible. Let me know if any other idea comes to mind that you may want to see. Even if some idea comes to mind while I'm away, I can wrap them up when I get back.
I tried the slogan in the only other place that would fit and that is around the moon. The concern I have is that your tag line becomes part of the logo itself. Usually, a tag line is added after the logo. However, I believe I understand your concern. Having the name, then tag line, followed by the web address produces 4 lines and becomes text heavy. My suggestion would be that the emphasis be just the logo with the tag line. The reason that I went with the italics, is so that it is distinguishable and separate from the logo. As for the web address, I think I would separate it so that there is more of a gap from the logo. For instance if it were on letterhead, I would run the web address on the bottom of the letterhead, same with the business card. Really, it can be done in several ways, and well designed stationary can be just as important and recognizable as a well designed logo. I think part of the problem is that when we upload we are limited to the small size you see. As designers we want to be sure the client sees the work clearly, but that size limitation for the contest page can also give the appearance that 4 lines of text looks more cluttered than it really is.
I hope this info has helped (and not confused you), Thank you for the feedback, it makes our work that much easier.
Please let me know if you require additional changes. I will be out a few days, but hopefully I will still have access to be able to get your log-in and get your comments. However, I won't have access to my graphics program until I get back, at which point, any changes will be priority and I'll get them to you ASAP.
Marcelo When will you be back in town? My partner and I are still looking at the final (4) trying to decided. Once we do we really need the winner do some final design work for us. Maybe some color changes, text changs and format. Plase let me know when you will be back.
I just got back in. Sorry, we were in an area where there was no way for me to get my messages. 4 days of no contact with the outside world was more stressful than what a vacation should be. :(
Anyway, please let me know what changes are needed and I'll get right to them.
Night Owl I asked the others to change the text fro just "maintenance" To the following "Maintenance & Design" and Design & Maintenace" Also to give us various color back ground schems as my partner is worried about having a to ark background. Mainly for business cards an small items. I moved you back to 1st so you can upload any new entry you woul like. im hoping to make a final choice tomorrow.
Thanks for getting back to me, I uploaded a few more logos, with the changes that you requested (tried both Maintenance & Design and Design & Maintenance). Also gave you a few options for the background. Please don't feel that the colors are set in stone, the colors can always be adjusted depending on how and what they will be printed on. Also, keep in mind that the files you receive (the EPS file) is 100% vector which means that at any time down the road they can be fully edited with a graphics program. Even if you decide to branch out and have another name such as TimberWolf Design, that change can also be easily done by any one using a graphics program.
Please let me know if I missed any additional change and I'll be happy to get right on it.
Night Owl ongragulations you are the winner of this contest. I truly appreciate all you have done to work with us. My web designer will be contacting you to complete this design.