I have enlarged the wolf head so it can be clearly seen at smaller sizes, and have also made it bigger overall for you to see the text. The logo without tagline could go to a small size :)
I realy like #64 do me a favor can you change the back ground color of the over all page to a Med Grey so I can see how the logo looks against other colors.
With a moon in the logo it would look best against a black or dark blue background. Unless the moon is enclosed in a square, circle, rounded rectangle etc. But here it is on a grey background :)
Yes your right they grey looks washed out. My partner has an idea on # 64 with like the font style and the way you have it formated. We like the wolf image but we think it over welms the moon image, wolf si to big for the size of the moon. Ok leave the wolf alone do not change the size of his image, but inlarge to moon some balance the wolf with the moon. Do not change color or the rendering of the moon just enlarge it some.
I've also uploaded a version in one color so you can see how the one color version would look. This would be used for faxing, or printing on cardboard boxes, or engraving, or anything where you don't want to spend too much on printing.
You are not out of this yet, My partner and I are still looking at the final (5) trying to decided. some awsome designs including yourself. Once we do decided we really need the winner do some final design work for us. Maybe some color changes, text changs and format. Just becouse your in second does not mean your out