All entries-please use orange and blue and change the "e" into the power symbol for computers turned sideways. Can you also use a tiger as a silouette for the background but leave the tiger it in the word tiger also?
one of my partners suggested how about the TigerBytes text in side of a tiger mouth. With the teeth and nose above and teeth and tongue below the text. Just a thought. Keep up the good work, l love your designs.
Here is what one of my colleagues said and asked for.
I LOVE the colors of #31. I would alter that tiger face and make one of the colors kind of a pixelated version. Maybe half the face real tiger like and the other half in the other color be something like small pixelated drawing. I don't know how to say it other than do one in free hand drawing and the other in "Computer Graphics" look. Combine the Tiger and the Computer in one logo. I don't know how to do it but I'll know when I see it.
I would also like to see #90 with the tiger from number #61, Make the tiger the same size and color as the one in #90. thanks you for all your hard work.