The colors are right on- I think the logo and the font work great as well. If you could, we would like to see if you can tweak the swan so it is more distinguishable.
Instead of present tiger and swan obviously, I try to hide the tiger behind the swan silhouette. Hidden symbol is always represent 'smart' side of the company. And I love hidden symbol so much! Thank you - ian
We really liked the concepts you had with #58 and #59. However, we are really interested in seeing a logo where the tiger and swan are the same animal- similar to a minotaur or chimera animal.
Entry #87 looks awesome- Could we try making the beak of the swan the orange color? Also, I would be interested in seeing entry #87 and #71 with a different type of black stripe on the tiger's head. The logo is coming out great.
Hi Ian-#128 is awesome if the tiger looked better. More obviously a tiger not a lion. Solid Black swan also please as well as a design with TWO black swan heads off tiger base please awesome great!!!!!