I'm not sure how to organize this, but I wanted to throw out a lot of different wishes and feedback to try to tweak your design #32 into a final form that we can weigh against the other two contenders. Please ask questions where we are not clear, but keep in mind that in many case we have an idea of what we want but are still open to your interpretations and design guidance.
Wording: Should be two lines with break as Ticket To / Reading Rewards (like your #57 or *to* minimized similar to design #79)
Font: Prefer a simple, clean, modern font (closer to Calibri or Arial than Times New Roman)---your current font is probably ok
Capitalization: Open to all caps, some caps or first letter caps
Text Color: Open to one or combo of icon colors
Design Elements: We would really like to see the icon with one or two additional colors (red, orange, yellow, etc.) worked into the design (we think both this entry and the red/blue entry #57 you submitted could use a little more pop)