-looks amazing we are very close, can we try it with a dark line under the hands. can the line have a very gentle curve downwards ( very subtle)
- please take off LLC
Hi there,
On this one can you make the people the same color as the lighter green on the leaf in the tree. i think the hand and the person need more contrast.
- I would like just a couple teal leaves and light green in the tree.
- can you make the hands just a tiny bit smaller. like the top of the fingers are touching the bottom leaf on the left.
-I think on the words " Thriving" I would just like the T capital and lowercase the rest. I would also like to the the font to be a cleaner simple font without the curves.
Hi there,
On this one can you make the people the same color as the lighter green on the leaf in the tree. i think the hand and the person need more contrast.
- I would like just a couple raspberry leaves in the tree.
- can you make the hands just a little bit smaller. lie the top of the fingers are touching the bottom leaf on the left.
-I think on the words " Thriving" I would just like the T capital and lowercase the rest. I would also like to the the font and color of the words be closer to be bright green and a cleaner font.
Hi there thank you for these adjustments. I think we are getting closer and it looks really beautiful. I think we’re just trying to figure out which colors we like best The hands in this series is just a little bit too small. I don’t want to lose any of the leaves in the trees. We were also thinking about seeing a little bit more gold like at the tips of the fingertips and maybe a couple leaves.
-please make hands purple/raspberry
-please make hands a little bit smaller, they go up to high.
-make tree a little bit bigger
-make tree/ bodies the same green that the lighter colored leaves are
-please make leaves teal, light green, med green.
-make apples orange
The colors are still too dark please and we do not like red. Raspberry is a color that is between purple and fuchsia.
Teal is like a bright blue almost turquoise. I think the main design can be more hours some of the leaves and have a pop of color.
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- please take off LLC
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On this one can you make the people the same color as the lighter green on the leaf in the tree. i think the hand and the person need more contrast.
- I would like just a couple teal leaves and light green in the tree.
- can you make the hands just a tiny bit smaller. like the top of the fingers are touching the bottom leaf on the left.
-I think on the words " Thriving" I would just like the T capital and lowercase the rest. I would also like to the the font to be a cleaner simple font without the curves.
On this one can you make the people the same color as the lighter green on the leaf in the tree. i think the hand and the person need more contrast.
- I would like just a couple raspberry leaves in the tree.
- can you make the hands just a little bit smaller. lie the top of the fingers are touching the bottom leaf on the left.
-I think on the words " Thriving" I would just like the T capital and lowercase the rest. I would also like to the the font and color of the words be closer to be bright green and a cleaner font.
-please make hands a little bit smaller, they go up to high.
-make tree a little bit bigger
-make tree/ bodies the same green that the lighter colored leaves are
-please make leaves teal, light green, med green.
-make apples orange
Teal is like a bright blue almost turquoise. I think the main design can be more hours some of the leaves and have a pop of color.
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beautiful logo, can you make the colors brighter, Teal, fresh green, raspberry/purple, organge.