Definately moving in the right direction. Try this, add a mountain range on the left side too, but put it between the two on the right so it looks like a mountain range. Second, use the same color scheme for all three letters. Lastly, there should be no "s" talent.
I really like 204 at this stage. One minor change. Just so there is no dispute that there is an "H' there, can you move that middle peak to the left a little (not center) so that some of the leg of the "h" can be seen? Thanks, great job so far.
I like that. I like the mountain range in 299, but I don't like so much solid below. Let's replace the mountains in 302 with the mountains from 299. However, only the mountain range part above the "partners".
we are very close. Using 303 as a base. Use the THR colors from 292. Remove the darker blue from the mountains, replace with white, leaving the outline of the same mountain range. Then make the Partners the same darker blue that is currently the mountain range. Then spread the word Partners out to reach the edges of the mountain ranges. Thanks for your patience.
I will be selecting 306, when you send me the files, I will need a high quality image that can be sized and a basic jpg image for my website. Could I also ge ta set of 308 with a little lighter shade?