ThousandaireLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Thousandaire

Thousandaire has selected their winning logo design.

For $326 they received 87 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.














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Thanks for the entry. I like how you incorporated music and video into the pictoral mark. I would like to see the pictoral mark move away from the number 1000 a bit. The idea of a "Thousandaire" is more of a concept than a number. I don't mind including "1000" in the pictoral mark, but I don't want it to be the focus.

Also, I would like to see a little more neutral font. I think the one you have here is a bit too masculine.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
i must think about the icon. but i included money, video and music into the design

(This comment references Entry #3)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
if you like the idea i can work more on it. but if its totaly wrong direction, let me know
13 years ago
Logo Designer
and sorry about the quality. original is very nice. LT image process does not like some colors very much specially if they are gradient
13 years ago
Thanks for the revisions. I really appreciate your work on my logo!

I like the idea of incorporating one or all of the themes (money, music, videos and education) into the word Thousandaire, but if you do I would like it to be more subtle than in #3 or #4. Like, someone could glance at the word and not even realize there is anything different about it. In your revisions, they jump out at me and my eyes focus there instead of on the whole word. For example, maybe the inside of the "d" could be a subtle music note.

From color perspective, I would like to see a slightly deeper green.

From a font perspective, I like #4 the best, but now I would like to see it a bit less feminine. Somewhere in between #2 and #4 for the font. I think #3 is too plain.

Thanks again for your revisions!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
not sure about that graduation hat

(This comment references Entry #8)
13 years ago
I like the new colors and the subtlety of the video on the "o". The dollar sign on the "s" is pretty good too, although it could be a little more subtle. For the "d", I was thinking the bottom of the note is the hole of the "d" and the stem of the music note goes up the top of the "d". Or maybe the "d" is completely regular except you add the top of a music note to the top of the "d".

I also would rather not have the "1000" for the "i".

I prefer it without the graduation hat. Of all the themes I mentioned, education is the one that should be the most subtle or left off completely. If it's going to be included in the logo at all, it will probably be in the pictoral mark and not the word Thousandaire.

For the font, I think this one is a little too boxy. I'd like something with softer or rounded edges.

Thanks again for the revisions!
13 years ago
I do like how the graduation hat adds another color into the logo, but it's hard for me to visualize the full logo without the pictoral mark. Right now when I compare #5 to #8 by themselves, I think I like #8 better because of the hat. However, if both had an icon too, I think I would prefer #5, which is why I have it ranked first.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
i am not sure what should be the main focus on the icon.

(This comment references Entry #9)
13 years ago
I'm open to different options and want you to be creative. I would rank the focus of my company in the following orders: 1. Money/Personal Finance, 2. Music, 3 and 4. Videos and Learning (I was probably wrong when I said "education" because I don't want to portray a classroom setting).

I want either money or music, and then you can add as much or as little as you want to that. Mixing money and music would be ideal, but if you have a great idea that incorporates music and learning, I would be fine with money being excluded. While I value the them of the logo, I value originality, creativity, and simplicity the most.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
quick idea "money with music"

(This comment references Entry #10)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
text is just the text . it seemed that there are too much going on when icon and text had the same elements

(This comment references Entry #11)
13 years ago
I like #11. Now for the text, we we find something a little more rounded with less rigid edges? Also, maybe throw the video thing back in on the "o" to keep that included.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
made the symbol bit smaller so it fits inside the circle

(This comment references Entry #13)
13 years ago
I like the bigger logos #12 and #14 better. I think #13 is too small. Thanks again for the revisions!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
just testing the logo on colored background

(This comment references Entry #15)
13 years ago
A few notes on #14. I really like the icon but I would like some changes to the color and the text. I like more of a blue-green than a yellow-green. I also am linking the more simple text logos. Could you change the color and try to do a refresh on the word "thousandaire". You don't need to include any of the themes in the text like we were experimenting with earlier; just the text, but trying something new from before. Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
seems pointless to try because theres no way i can win this contest
13 years ago
Logo Designer
i am not very sure what kind of text style you like.
good about this logo is that it works great with pure black and white

(This comment references Entry #56)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
seems that winner is decided and no point to submit my crappy ideas

(This comment references Entry #71)
13 years ago
I will admit that I like some of the other ones a bit better. I like your concept (the music note with a dollar sign in the middle) as a starting point but I would need to see you expand on it if it's going to win over some of the other designs. If you can keep that idea but implement it a different way, I would like to see that, I don't think different color combinations of your current logo are going to win. I'm not trying to be mean, but I want to be honest with you so you aren't spending time on things I won't be picking.

Thanks for all your submissions, and I do hope you come up with something else. I would love to see it.

13 years ago
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