I think this is to much better perfect cause candle clearly more visible from entries #138
maybe to much big but that is your taste and your request
and flame on inside maybe needs little improvements
Check new update #144#145 I make 2 size as a comparison and note the distance the composition of the flame on the candle
Good day, and Merry Christmas!
Hope your having a great holiday.
=I love the color of the logo
=create the image of the candle to be more visible. I don't want the brightness of the flame to make the candle invincible
=This #138 is the greatest logo
This is the one! Let's make our final revisions :']
=Create The stars to be larger
=reduce the size of the beginning of the arrow more
=Create two examples of colorings. One with this color that's already on the logo, and another with a lighter color tone (I think it's maybe too dark at the bottom) of the A. Let's lighten it up a little.
This is incredible! I appreciate this very much :]
revisions and edits
=Can you create the star to be three stars
=I want the beginning of the arrow to be reduced more.
We're close to done!
Everything is great and the way I want it. I'm sensing something wrong or missing. Maybe it's the heart..
=Can you change the heart into a star
This one is perfect. Almost done!
=I want the flame to be like #111, with this heart.
=I want the candle stick to be smaller, but not too small
=I dont want the arrow point to be so dark.... It looks a bit very dark
= I want the logo to be bigger
Great Job! Incredible work!
about your feedback 31 minute ago
"=on the left side. The arrow passes the A's left leg. keep that at the same length as the A. I don't want the beginning of the arrow to go too far past where the A's at. I want them to be together at the same length. " and check arrow my entries #122
Please check again all my entries or check arrow #122 really I'm little confuse about the arrow that you want??? , please let me know more clearly and simple
This is great. We're close to being completed! (This is the first time seeing this logo.... I've been checking every hour and never saw this one til now. It's shows its been here for 7 hours! That's really weird).
edits and revisions
=lets use this logo
=Candle size is great on this one
=Lets place a different flame, like entry #107. I want that flame again.
=Keep the heart
=on the left side. The arrow passes the A's left leg. keep that at the same length as the A. I don't want the beginning of the arrow to go too far past where the A's at. I want them to be together at the same length.
=make the logo a bit bigger
With lots of love
Your art is beautiful. You truly are A artist.
edits and recommendations
= I want the original flame :] with the heart
= Lets create the logo to be bigger.
= Make the start of the arrow (left side) to begin at the bottom. It's maybe about half an inch from the ground. I want to begin at ground.
Everything GREAT!!! You're an artist.
create both designs
= you candle with the flame looking like my profile flame (inside a heart)
= and then another with the whole candle being in the flame. exactly like the profile picture
Thanks. I will choose you to be the winner, I just need to make sure the logo is the way I need it to be.
Thanks. :]
This is great.
edits and recommendations
= create the beginning of the arrow (left side) to look like it's starting from the ground. Keep it attached to the arrow
= The heart needs to look more authentic.
= Try to design the candle flame to look like my profile picture
Thanks :]
can you also have the beginning of the arrow (left side of the arrow) starting more from the bottom of the A. I want it to be like the arrow is the people, and I'm picking them up from the ground and moving them to the right. I want it to be like its touching the ground, but also close to the A like it is in the photo
This is awesome. I like the color of the red, its different. Its has a glow in the middle.
Edits and recommendations
= Lets go back to the arrow design like number #106
= Add the color glow to the arrow too, like number 111
= let's add back the heart, like #75... but lets have the heart pointing to the right
= Reduce the of the flame a little... not to much
Thanks Andrew
Great job.
edits and recommendations
= create the design bigger
= make the flame without the heart and rose
= Keep the arrow the way it is, and increase size of the white and red colors as it slowly makes its way to the end of the arrow.
You're a great artists. Thank you for everything. Wish I could give you a hug.
edits and recommendations
= Lets bring back the heart ... this time, I want you to use a heart with a rose. I have my design of a rose heart that I want you to use. I've attached it on the contest.
= Lets create the arrow like #78 ... no shadow, and I want their to be more space between the red and white colors. I want it to be like a flag. The way barrack Obama's logo has his red and white colors. That's the way I want it.
Very verg verg great work! In love with your work. #77 is beautiful.
Edits and recommendations
= create the candle base the exact size of #75
= Take away the candle rope.... Let's keep the flame and candle only
= Place a rose inside the flame, instead of a heart
= lets increase the size of the arrow a bit, not too much
= Create one with the shadowing and one without.
This is amazing!
Thanks. Andrew
I do love it. Beautiful job!
Edits and recommendations
= Add the stripes to the arrow. Three red and two whites
= lets reduce the size of the flame, a little... Not too much
= create the two flames and hearts pointing right
= and let's take away the words at the bottom of the A
Thanks! Andrew
Let's keep the stripes on the arrow on this one.
= subtract the white outline that separates the A and arrow. I want the the red and blue to meet with no white between them
= take away the curve of the candle at the bottom of the flame
= I want the logo to be bigger, I sense it reduced in size.
=The heart is tiling to the left, let's make it tilt to the right
Excellent job!
Thanks, Andrew
Thanks, very creative.
edits and recommendations
= create the candle' base to be a regular candle. No melting.
= Place the arrow in front of both legs
= No legs at the bottom in the next one
= reduce the size of the same a little, not much.
(Tears) I wish I attach a picture of me describing it through a drawing! There's no way I can attach that on her or a private message. I think this is GREAT.
edits and recommendations
= let's keep the angle and location of the end of the arrow.
= create the arrow coming from the left and appearing as its coming from the left side corner of the A.
= The actual candle is A yes!
= Lets take away the melting
= I really love the bottom of the flame, it's very like a smiling candle. Great Job!
I truly love em all, especially this one. (Virtual Hug)....
Edits and Recommedation
= Lets transition the three arrows in one, like #44... let's keep the arch that starts at the left side of the A through the middle.... all the way til it reaches the right side. Then, let it just make right.
= No starts in the next one
= I need the candle to be more vivid..... I really want the area of the candle to be all candle and the flame to be more gigantic.
This is very great. Proud of you!
These are my ideas and edits:
- The candle is the definition of kind; however, I think we could try to create the flame to be a flame within a flame; and keep the heart. That will be great.
- Lets make the arrow pointing right, like Hillary's and keep the arch. You can also create an additonal one like a graph arrow going up. This will be wow!
- I think we need to create the candle more Candley. My perception... I think it looks like a bottle
- We can change the stars to be 6, to represent Clinton's 2016 election
This is very great. Proud of you!
These are my ideas and edits:
- Let candle is the definition of kind; however, I think we could try to create the flame to be a flame within a flame. That will be great.
- Lets make the arrow pointing right, like Hillarys and keep the arch.
- I think we need to create the candle more candlie. My perception... I think it looks like a bottle
- We can change the stars to be 6, to represent Clinton's 2016 election
Before I say many thanks for rank and feedback that you give to my design
Sure, I'm working on that now, will post once I'm done...
Its a pleasure to greet you, and I am happy to be participating in your contest
Great job, logos are awesome.
Here're my edits:
- The color of the A needs to be between Hillary and Barracks blue color of their logo.... I'm think a blue indigo that's not dark.
- I think the American flag coming through the left side is very creative. I want you to create it going out the right side with it transitioning into a arrow like Hillarys. The left side can be a rainbow and the right, the red and white.
- You can take off the crown
- The right side of the A, I want their to be six starts, instead of eight.
- I want you to be very creative in adding a candle.
Thank you!
Comment Activity
and feel free to ask
I'm waiting and ready if any another revision
Thanks :)
maybe to much big but that is your taste and your request
and flame on inside maybe needs little improvements
Check new update #144 #145 I make 2 size as a comparison and note the distance the composition of the flame on the candle
Any recommendations?
What would you add?
Hope your having a great holiday.
=I love the color of the logo
=create the image of the candle to be more visible. I don't want the brightness of the flame to make the candle invincible
=This #138 is the greatest logo
-Can we make this logo lighter. I think it still appears to be very dark
=Increase the size of the stars
=Create The stars to be larger
=reduce the size of the beginning of the arrow more
=Create two examples of colorings. One with this color that's already on the logo, and another with a lighter color tone (I think it's maybe too dark at the bottom) of the A. Let's lighten it up a little.
revisions and edits
=Can you create the star to be three stars
=I want the beginning of the arrow to be reduced more.
We're close to done!
=can you add two flames to this design
=reduce the size of the star, not too much. Just enough to balance the image
I'm waiting :)
Total of three. I believe this will help me complete this contest.
=One with the heart being smaller
=Another one with the heart being replaced with a Star
=Can you change the heart into a star
=I want the flame to be like #111, with this heart.
=I want the candle stick to be smaller, but not too small
=I dont want the arrow point to be so dark.... It looks a bit very dark
= I want the logo to be bigger
Great Job! Incredible work!
"=on the left side. The arrow passes the A's left leg. keep that at the same length as the A. I don't want the beginning of the arrow to go too far past where the A's at. I want them to be together at the same length. " and check arrow my entries #122
edits and revisions
=lets use this logo
=Candle size is great on this one
=Lets place a different flame, like entry #107. I want that flame again.
=Keep the heart
=on the left side. The arrow passes the A's left leg. keep that at the same length as the A. I don't want the beginning of the arrow to go too far past where the A's at. I want them to be together at the same length.
=make the logo a bit bigger
With lots of love
=design the heart and arrow to be like #122
=create the arrow to be next to the A, and starting at the ground too
= create it like that flame with the heart on this design.
Im waiting :)
edits and recommendations
= I want the original flame :] with the heart
= Lets create the logo to be bigger.
= Make the start of the arrow (left side) to begin at the bottom. It's maybe about half an inch from the ground. I want to begin at ground.
Everything GREAT!!! You're an artist.
= you candle with the flame looking like my profile flame (inside a heart)
= and then another with the whole candle being in the flame. exactly like the profile picture
Thanks. I will choose you to be the winner, I just need to make sure the logo is the way I need it to be.
Thanks. :]
edits and recommendations
= create the beginning of the arrow (left side) to look like it's starting from the ground. Keep it attached to the arrow
= The heart needs to look more authentic.
= Try to design the candle flame to look like my profile picture
Thanks :]
hope you love it
Edits and recommendations
= Lets go back to the arrow design like number #106
= Add the color glow to the arrow too, like number 111
= let's add back the heart, like #75... but lets have the heart pointing to the right
= Reduce the of the flame a little... not to much
Thanks Andrew
edits and recommendations
= create the design bigger
= make the flame without the heart and rose
= Keep the arrow the way it is, and increase size of the white and red colors as it slowly makes its way to the end of the arrow.
Check #109 #110
ok no problem i'll try it Immediately will post once I'm done...
hope you love it :)
ok, wait I'll do it now :)
edits and recommendations
= Lets bring back the heart ... this time, I want you to use a heart with a rose. I have my design of a rose heart that I want you to use. I've attached it on the contest.
= Lets create the arrow like #78 ... no shadow, and I want their to be more space between the red and white colors. I want it to be like a flag. The way barrack Obama's logo has his red and white colors. That's the way I want it.
Thanks. You're GREAT!
before I Apologize about the delay this entries cause something trouble with my internet connection
Thanks :)
Edits and recommendations
= create the candle base the exact size of #75
= Take away the candle rope.... Let's keep the flame and candle only
= Place a rose inside the flame, instead of a heart
= lets increase the size of the arrow a bit, not too much
= Create one with the shadowing and one without.
This is amazing!
Thanks. Andrew
Edits and recommendations
= Add the stripes to the arrow. Three red and two whites
= lets reduce the size of the flame, a little... Not too much
= create the two flames and hearts pointing right
= and let's take away the words at the bottom of the A
Thanks! Andrew
hope you love it :)
I didn't mean to send all those question marks.
= subtract the white outline that separates the A and arrow. I want the the red and blue to meet with no white between them
= take away the curve of the candle at the bottom of the flame
= I want the logo to be bigger, I sense it reduced in size.
=The heart is tiling to the left, let's make it tilt to the right
Excellent job!
Thanks, Andrew
= Between the arrow and A... Let's not create the white outline that deprecates them. Exactly the way Hillary has it.
Thanks :}
edits and recommendations
= create the candle' base to be a regular candle. No melting.
= Place the arrow in front of both legs
= No legs at the bottom in the next one
= reduce the size of the same a little, not much.
with stars and no stars #60 #61
hope you love it :)
edits and recommendations
= let's keep the angle and location of the end of the arrow.
= create the arrow coming from the left and appearing as its coming from the left side corner of the A.
= The actual candle is A yes!
= Lets take away the melting
= I really love the bottom of the flame, it's very like a smiling candle. Great Job!
Thanks Andrew!
Check it #48 #49
Thanks :)
Edits and Recommedation
= Lets transition the three arrows in one, like #44... let's keep the arch that starts at the left side of the A through the middle.... all the way til it reaches the right side. Then, let it just make right.
= No starts in the next one
= I need the candle to be more vivid..... I really want the area of the candle to be all candle and the flame to be more gigantic.
hope you love it :)
These are my ideas and edits:
- The candle is the definition of kind; however, I think we could try to create the flame to be a flame within a flame; and keep the heart. That will be great.
- Lets make the arrow pointing right, like Hillary's and keep the arch. You can also create an additonal one like a graph arrow going up. This will be wow!
- I think we need to create the candle more Candley. My perception... I think it looks like a bottle
- We can change the stars to be 6, to represent Clinton's 2016 election
Thanks again!
These are my ideas and edits:
- Let candle is the definition of kind; however, I think we could try to create the flame to be a flame within a flame. That will be great.
- Lets make the arrow pointing right, like Hillarys and keep the arch.
- I think we need to create the candle more candlie. My perception... I think it looks like a bottle
- We can change the stars to be 6, to represent Clinton's 2016 election
Thanks again!
Thanks :)
- I think the eight starts are okay
Before I say many thanks for rank and feedback that you give to my design
Sure, I'm working on that now, will post once I'm done...
Its a pleasure to greet you, and I am happy to be participating in your contest
Here're my edits:
- The color of the A needs to be between Hillary and Barracks blue color of their logo.... I'm think a blue indigo that's not dark.
- I think the American flag coming through the left side is very creative. I want you to create it going out the right side with it transitioning into a arrow like Hillarys. The left side can be a rainbow and the right, the red and white.
- You can take off the crown
- The right side of the A, I want their to be six starts, instead of eight.
- I want you to be very creative in adding a candle.
Thank you!