#131: Can we have a version of this without the stars, but with perhaps a checkmark incorporated? What alternatives can you think of other than the stars for decorative symbols? #201 and 205: Rotate stripes in the "0" to run horizontal with the star remaining in the upper left corner. And in 205 please change "third" to navy blue (matching "party")
Hi, I am very happy to serve you, but I am not able to submit your request, because the contest is in judging mode and during judging mode only rank 1 designer can submit revision. For me, to be able to submit your request, please re-rank my #131 or #201 to rank 1, so I can upload your request.
I have written to the people who run the logo competition to see if there is a way to work with you. I apologize for not understanding the process and the timing better. If necessary, I may have to start the competition over. Thank you.
Even though I favor another design and designer as the finalist, at the conclusion of the contest I would like to work with you to perhaps purchase your design as well. Is that something you would consider?