#49...we like the way the font is offset on this one; can we take a look at a treatment with colored buildings (like a red, green, blue...or maybe some other 3-color combination)
106 is looking hard to beat. can we take a look at three different varieties:
1) the graphic without the "Amercia's Benchmark" writing? Just the image itself. Buildings + swoop 2) a version with "America's Benchmark" spelled out horizontaolly across the bottom; 3) and a version with "America's Benchmark" in a stacked configuration out to the right of the graphic.
Thanks! looking great. After we look at the 3 variations above, can we look a one variation of the colors the buildings in the order of Red, Yellow, Green...from tallest (red) to smallest (green).
Great job!!! We are going to select your design as the winner. We like the series (150, 156, 155, 151, 152, plus a black and white version)
We're not sure how this works in terms of how many variations we're allowed to receive as a package but if you're only allowed to send us a single logo, would you mind following up with the others at:
Thanks! We may want to use you for another project in the future so stay in touch.