therapeutic horsemanshipLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / therapeutic horsemanship therapeutic horsemanship has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 39 designs from 14 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by GoodGuy Design Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 8th #23 Withdrawn New #24 Withdrawn New #22 Withdrawn New #21 Withdrawn New #20 Withdrawn New #19 Withdrawn New #18 Withdrawn New #17 Withdrawn New #16 Discussion GoodGuy Design Logo Designer Here is my logo idea for your contest. This one is simple enough to work as a one-color design. It could also work without the horse silhouette included. Let me know if you would like to see any variations. Thanks.(This comment references Entry #16) 14 years ago GoodGuy Design Logo Designer Here is the 1-color version...(This comment references Entry #17) 14 years ago GoodGuy Design Logo Designer Version with some more energy...(This comment references Entry #18) 14 years ago