Hi Nate, Here is the one I came up with...somewhat playful and the second one to show you the grayscale on the same one. I had to tone down the red...because in grayscale it is black.
I used my preference on the same type of line strokes that you like. The complete look and feel can change with a completely different font if you want to try some more.
Thanks for "tossing your hat into the ring" so to speak. It is great getting a new interpretation on the idea. My first thought was "Well this is fun". But (and isn't there always a but?) we are looking for something not so cartoonish. What I keep telling the crew "Think classical Peter Rabbit more than a....insert name of some rabbit I saw on TV as a child."
What I do like is it is clean, fun and simple. Plus I like the scarf/neckerchief (and this is a bone of contention between a couple of us...I like the scarf and the feeling of movement it gives, my brother doesn't particularly care and my sister-in-law is not thrilled about them). I also like that his ears are being tousled in the wind rather than being straight up or pinned back. It gives the feeling that he is more tooling along enjoying his ride rather than in a rush somewhere.
One thing that we have know since the beginning and are just now being able to put into words is we like the vespa being normal size with the rabbit being a where he can just sit on the seat. To me it adds some playfulness and whimsy.
Another thing (and this seems kinda odd for a cheese shop) we are not really wanting to make cheese a huge part of the logo. What we are pushing for is when ever someone in Fort Collins sees a rabbit on a vespa they will think The Welsh Rabbit.
Thanks again and if you have the time I would like to see another idea or two.
It turns out afterall that the style and some of the elements like the hat, scarf color of vespa were pushing the line of infringing on Josh's designs so I had to remove them. I did an alternate version making sure that it follows along with the details in your brief and stays away from Josh's concepts. Because one other possible problem is the style that I was trying to mimick somewhat of the etched style.
If I can think of any other approach based on the info in your public descritions I will try more.
Hope all is well with you, Thank you once again!! Tere
I have been trying to walk a fine line between saying what we like about Josh's work and about what we had in mind originally.
While you are right about the scarf (I missed that but you are correct....this is something that came from Josh now that I stop and think about it) the size of the rabbit and the size of the vespa came from the original idea months ago. This is our second round with figuring out a logo. We went with a well respected company near here....but come to find out two thirds of us didn't love the logo after we had lived with it a while.
My brother is the one communicating with Josh and another while I am the one communicating with you and a couple of others as well....so I took a moment to go through his e-mails back and forth with Josh (most he had written with us chatting about them) and you are right about the size as well. Both he and cr8tiveMeans did the small rabbit without any prodding or information from us. So.....well I am at a loss.
Thanks for being upfront and honest enough to not even have the appearance of infringing on someone else's work! If you come up with something else post it up....but before you put in to much more effort just know that we are pretty much sold on one of the newest offerings.
I put back the previous entry with revisions and added wine to the cart on that one..added a little more details...although on my computer screen the uploaded image the lines look a little bit darker than the original.
It really was for my own challenge than anything...we still think Josh's is exceptional. Thank you, Tere
thanks for your updated entries. We do like them and see them as well done. Josh has fairly well stitched up this competition, however, please leave your submissions up and we'll rank them highly at the end. We have dreams of writing a "welsh rabbit" children's book someday, and your illustrations would fit perfectly for that application. So at any rate, we'd like to be able to stay in touch w/ you after the contest.