Trying to stay away from cliches and offer you something classic, elegant and timeless. Custom typography that will be easy to brand on every medium (shirts, price tags, stationery, web, etc.)
#10 - I like the line above and below because it keeps the words from floating in space but can we try to incorporate some baking tools instead of the lines, like a whisk, rolling pin, spoon, spatula, etc. Also, can you change the words "the" and "cupboard" from black to grey.
We really like the font and colors in submissions #44, #45 and #46.
It could be just be our eyes but would it be possible to center the word "THE," so that the letter "H" is in between the letters "E" and "A" in the word "TEAL."
Could we also try having the whisk and rolling pin horizontally and in place of the lines on submission #10? Thanks!