HI Peg, great start! I'm attaching some general comments below but first let me make some individual suggestions on this logo. First off your hippie man is the BEST! Overall the use of space and symmetry is nice but if you look at #9 you will also see some nice use of space and symmetry. Can you make the STOP sign larger and more like #9? We do like the way that the man is holding the sign... that's cool but you may want to try staking the sign into the ground so that the man can hold a taco in his left hand (like #9) rather than the sign... that's not a top priority... Many, the changes we would like to see on the this logo would be to improve the sign by making it larger, bolder and more stylish (looking at some of the other submissions) AND improving the art of the sun in the background. I uploaded a sun photo to give you a some an idea although it does not have to look like that necessarily. You could also try adding a little blue sky or clouds but that may not work if it makes it too busy. It is simple now and we like that. Start with improving the sign and the sun and see if you think it needs anything else and I'll give you more feedback if necessary... thanks!
general comments: #5 has the best hippie man..... Please make the man look more like that or similar. #9 has the best STOP sign, although the sign in #8 is good too. We like the font used on 'the Taco' in the STOP sign in #7 although it could be bigger and more readable. #8 has nice looking letters at the bottom on 'Tacos Burritos Nachos' but the words should all be aligned in stead of 'Nachos' being at the bottom. The words in #9 is also good the way they are curved, but straight looks good too, like #5, and #2, depending on the logo, whether the grass is straight or rounded. Please feel free to use more colors in the sun or sky. I uploaded another picture (see sun1.png) to let you see as a reference to how to use more colors in the sun if possible.
in simple steps. 1) Make the sign bigger and stuck in the ground behind the guy... make the sun and background more like #8. Put a taco in the other hand. 4) make the grass more like #9 and give the sun some gradient like #9 and some flares like #8 and #4.
All of your logos look great and you follow instructions very well. I wish I could take some of the best aspects of each of your designs and combine them...
The new all circle design is great but we do want it to say 'TheTaco Stop' all inside the stop sign, even if it doesn't look as good as the way you have it now, because we are actually going to take a real stop sign and write 'The Taco" on it so we just want the logo to match our real sign. Otherwise, the way you have it would look excellent on a t-shirt so thank you very much for your creative ideas.
I think you should try to keep the circle design because even though we don't like the words at the top, we love the words 'Tacos Burritos Nachos' on the bottom.
The sign in #15 looks the best of your designs but see if you can change it to look more like #17. That one is the easiest to read.
I like the color of your sky in #15 and the flowers in #5, #15, and #21. We only need one flower and one butterfly, so make it a good one. There are just so many good parts about your design... We like the grass in all four and the sun you used but the other competitors designs are very good too... the peace sign in his hand or holding the sign could work, just go with what you think looks best. Make the sky lighter blue or remove the sky or make it less heavy somehow (maybe more clouds?). I hope there is enough time to make some of the changes because the contest is ending soon! Thank you Peg for your very creative ideas and good luck on being selected as the winner... You have a good shot!
1) do just one larger flower rather than three small ones 2) We don't like the sun very much... The face is too devilish. Make the mouth smaller and not so crazy. #37 has a better design but we don't like the blue or the purple on that one but we do like the flares... 3) You may want to remove the sun altogether. (or do a version without the sun) The sun is not that important but we don't really like any of the suns we have here too much. 4) Your sign is great! We really like your grass and sign and man but we are leaning towards a version that is straight across the bottom. We do like the look of your circle design very much but actually straight across the bottom is more practical for us for now because although this is a logo, we also plan on putting it on top of a background scene later when we design the website.... Perhaps you should remove the sun and the sky altogether and just focus on the straight letters across the bottom and a nice mound of grass on top with one flower. Thank you Peg! you are very creative but this is a very competitive competition... thanks and good luck!