Great start musicalyro! The overall design and symmetry on this logo is the best but I do have some suggestions that will make it simpler and less busy. Just one butterfly is fine... lose the top two. Also, only the one flower is good. keep the one on the left please.
Your sun and sky are also great. I do not have any suggestions yet on the sun and the sky but you can look at the new sun picture I recently uploaded to see how you can add a more psychedelic artsy colorful look to it...
The main two changes we would like to see are: 1) please change the hippie man completely. Go with something more like #5 or #9. The one you got looks high on pot but not in a good peaceful hippie way. Try putting a taco in one hand and a peace sign in the other hand and maybe some overalls or a tie-dye t-shirt.
2) The words along the bottom 'Tacos Burritos Nachos' look great (the font and colors) but they need to be aligned side by side by side instead of the Nachos at the bottom. I know that means it's means they will have to be smaller but maybe make the scene a little larger so that they words can still be big enough to read.
3) Also, please please use brighter colors. brighter yellows, and greens. The blue sky is fine.
general comments: #5 and #9 has the best hippie man, but he definitely needs to have a beard... #9 has the best STOP sign! We like the font used on 'the Taco' in the STOP sign in #7 but it could be bigger and more readable. #8 has nice looking letters at the bottom on 'Tacos Burritos Nachos' but the words should all be aligned instead of 'Nachos' being at the bottom. The words in #9 are good the way they are curved, but straight looks good too, as long as they are big enough to read. The grass in #9 is great. Please feel free to use more colors and detail in the sun or sky and the sun should be high in the sky like the stop sign. I uploaded another picture (see sun1.png) to let you see as a reference to how to use more colors in the sun.
#17 is looking good but we definitely want to see a few more changes.... By the way, the new man looks excellent! The letters 'Tacos Burritos Nachos' are perfect!!
1) The color of the flower needs to be changed because it does not contrast well with the color of the sun. Can you change the color to red or purple?
2) Remove the musical bars... They are too distracting / busy. Replace with a butterfly or two.
3) Remove the blue circle in the sun... Change the colors in the sun to more red, orange and yellow colors.
4) Change the "thumbs up" sign to a "peace sign" in the dude's hand. You can try a taco if you want but maybe the peace sign is better.
5) Add a little more grass like #9 (optional - it may not look good)
6) Can you provide one version of the new and improved logo with the sky and one without the sky.
Thank you MusicalRYO... You are in the winner's position and if you make these changes we think you will eventually be the winner. Contest is ending soon! Good Luck!!
Regarding the sun... Make the sun (the center) a little smaller.... #4 has a simpler, smaller look with less colors. #16 has a nice looking orange on the outside and yellow on the inside. Also, have another look at the sun that I uploaded as one of the reference pictures. (sun1.png). That one has a lot of character. We like a smaller sun center and a little longer sun flares (than you currently have it) that go around it.
Regarding the flower.... maybe a pink color is best... maybe red, maybe purple... check out the other flowers that the others have done... Thanks!!
Regarding the grass. It just needs a bit more texture... more like #9 but it doesn't have to be that much... make the flower so you can see the stem and doesn't blend into the grass.. you should have more room for that after you remove the musical bars / notes...
Thank you so much for the rank and feedback. My apologies, I currently out of town so I cannot working the revisions right away. If you don't mind please give me time a day or two and I will submit the updated version to you
Oh no!, I think the contest is supposed to run end in 1 day and 3 hours from now... We really want you to win this contest... I'm not sure if changes can be submitted after 1 day and 3 hours from now... I hope you can submit the changes before the contest runs out or we will be in a tough place to make our decision on who the winner will be. Good luck! We really want you to win!
2 days... 9 hours left... you have a good shot of winning if you can complete the requested suggestions. Thanks MusicalRYO!
Also you may want to provide a version without any sky or sun, just a simple version so that we can add the sun and sky later when we add this logo to our site (we will add the background later)