Good morning! Thank you for letting me know. I’ll hold off on further messages and look forward to hearing from you when you're available. Safe travels!
Good morning from Costa Rica! Please STOP sending me all these messages via the website or to my email. I am busy travelling and will respond to you in a few days. Thank you!
Thank you for selecting my design as your second option. You can obtain the design by either awarding it as a multiple-winning design or purchasing it. I will prepare the files for you shortly. Thank you!
If we could please see this LOGO updated with JETCRUISER slightly larger by 15%.
For the diamonds, we now feel there are too many stars. Could you replace them with N S E W (North, South, East, West) so it looks more like Compass points.
For the "by", can you please shorten the end of the 'y' as there are too many lines.
The Suite Life needs to be more prominent than "JetCruiser" but in this above logo, can you please increase by 10% and 15% so we can see the contrast.
We uploaded the JETCRUISER LOGO original vector .EPS file just now.
Not sure what FONT they used in image one hundred thirty five .... It might be similar to GRESHAM, CASTELLAR, IMPRINT MT SHADOW...
We would also LOVE to see more circles but similar to this one on Pinterest which incorporates kind of Compass, removing the square part. At the horizontal parts where is says "since" and 1986"at the horizontal points, there would a 6 pointed star/hexagon.
The oval located at the North and South pole of the logo, should be added to the West and East Pole (incorporating the 6 pointed star/hexagon).
Love the look. If you could please update with the following changes...
-"by" cannot be part of THE SUITE LIFE...maybe put "by" directly under the ship making the overall circle slightly larger
-Please change the DOTS to a six pointed star (hexagram) solid with no internal lines...something clean elegant and simple looking
-The type size for "THE SUITE LIFE" preferably in small caps should be a larger font than JETCRUISER as we are trying to emphasize The Suite Life.
-The font for JETCRUISER should match the original logo which has the "J" and "C" capitalized and then the other letters as Small Caps.
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Please email me at Niklas at JetCruiser dot co as I would like to use this logo as a second option. Thanks!
Can you please increase the size of the letter "T" "S" and "L" slightly? OR decrease "HE", "UITE" "IFE"?
Also, could we see the updated logo with N/S/E/W characters just slightly small.
Then third option would be the above changes BUT somehow incorporate N/S/E/W into the triangle?
For the diamonds, we now feel there are too many stars. Could you replace them with N S E W (North, South, East, West) so it looks more like Compass points.
For the "by", can you please shorten the end of the 'y' as there are too many lines.
We will make adjustments based on your preferences.
The Suite Life needs to be more prominent than "JetCruiser" but in this above logo, can you please increase by 10% and 15% so we can see the contrast.
We uploaded the JETCRUISER LOGO original vector .EPS file just now.
Not sure what FONT they used in image one hundred thirty five .... It might be similar to GRESHAM, CASTELLAR, IMPRINT MT SHADOW...
We would also LOVE to see more circles but similar to this one on Pinterest which incorporates kind of Compass, removing the square part. At the horizontal parts where is says "since" and 1986"at the horizontal points, there would a 6 pointed star/hexagon.
The oval located at the North and South pole of the logo, should be added to the West and East Pole (incorporating the 6 pointed star/hexagon).
Thank you!
In regards to the STARS, they need to be in the middle of the logo horizontally and slightly larger.
The lettering of The Suite Life needs to be adjusted as the "S" and the "E" in "Suite" is incomplete. IT also does seem to flow well on the circle.
For the BY, it needs to be lower case "by" and more cursive/wavey like an ocean wave..
JetCruiser also needs to be adjusted slightly where the "J" and the "C" are larger.
Again, "The Suite Life" needs to be larger in font size than "JetCruiser".
Thank you.
-"by" cannot be part of THE SUITE LIFE...maybe put "by" directly under the ship making the overall circle slightly larger
-Please change the DOTS to a six pointed star (hexagram) solid with no internal lines...something clean elegant and simple looking
-The type size for "THE SUITE LIFE" preferably in small caps should be a larger font than JETCRUISER as we are trying to emphasize The Suite Life.
-The font for JETCRUISER should match the original logo which has the "J" and "C" capitalized and then the other letters as Small Caps.