For the "by", can you please lower it a bit along with JetCruiser which means the circle will be slightly larger?
The top of the airplane, cannot touch the circle so that needs to be lowered slightly.
For the spacing of THE SUITE LIFE is is all equally spaced between the characters so we need to separate "E" with "S" and "E" with "L". Maybe capitalize the T, S and L and Small Caps the remainder characters? The Suite Life word spacing is too big between characters
The markup circles...please have the circle lines come to the same height as the first line above the "J" in JetCruiser.
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Please lower the "by" just slightly again BUT make sure it is not that close to the C and R in JetCruiser. It looks too smushed together.
For the outer circle, it looks a bit thinner to the inner circle. Can you please make them the same thickness?
With all these adjustments, the overall logo will be slightly larger.
Thank you.
Please lower airplane is still too close to the circle line.
Please lower the "by" a bit so it is not in the hull of the yacht.
Please raise the line above the "J" slightly so it is equal horizontally to the other 3 lines.
Thank you.
For the "by", can you please lower it a bit along with JetCruiser which means the circle will be slightly larger?
The top of the airplane, cannot touch the circle so that needs to be lowered slightly.
For the spacing of THE SUITE LIFE is is all equally spaced between the characters so we need to separate "E" with "S" and "E" with "L". Maybe capitalize the T, S and L and Small Caps the remainder characters? The Suite Life word spacing is too big between characters
The markup circles...please have the circle lines come to the same height as the first line above the "J" in JetCruiser.
Thank you.
Logo must be black with gold + gold sheen.
Thank you.
Coloring can ONLY be black and gold sheen like the original JETCRUISER logo that was uploaded as an .EPS
Please drop/bring the "by" slightly lower. Prefer that is it not really incorporated into the hull of the yacht.
For the spacing of THE SUITE LIFE is is all equally spaced between the characters so we need to seperate "E" with "S" and "E" with "L"
At the the top of the inner circle, please make the circle complete by lowering the airplane slightly.
For the wave, please decrease the size slightly so it fits perfectly inside the outer circle.
Thank you!