hello I like the new design however when i showed it to a friend she said that symbol has been used a number of times here in Aust. Many thanks for your effort
It is a version of atomic symbol, but might be Quantum because it also looks like that when I do image search. Mostly I just like that it looks scientific. I have more ideas that I will show you as well.
many thanks for your help and effort. I really love the way you think and the boldness of your designs. if you could come up with an equation that symbolises success, quantum or the brain that will be terrific
Thank you! Sorry I have been busy today with client project, but #87 is very similar design but made into + sign. "Plus" has positive message and sign and also has feel of quantum symbol to it so you can have a double meaning with simple icon.
many thanks for your submission the logo looks fantasic on black.. the symbols aren't the right ones so far, however i love the concept.. many thanks for your efforts and time.