Hi Pam - we're really liking your design, but we're looking for some modifications in color and compass style. We're not wild about the butterscotch color, and the notches could be more congruous. You got bumped to #1 today - congrats!
Could you clarify what you mean by congruous? Do you mean they they don't seem to fit in the design, they should be more numerous, therefore making them closer together? Are they shaped wrong? etc. Please advise. I want to make sure I make the correct changes for you. Thanks! Pam
The notches are great because they help to identify the icon as a compass, but they do not look anything like traditional compass marks. I recommend looking at images of older field compasses & see if you can find a shape that looks more like a compass. In other words, the notches are currently a distraction, we would love to see them modified so they look more natural.
#33, #34, #35 Hi, I changed the notches in these three options. Are any of them getting close to what you had in mind? Do you want the color changed, etc. I'll provide whatever options you'd like to see. Thanks! Pam
Nice variations. I'll talk with the team & see how they feel about them. I'm sure we'll have some more thoughts during the final stage of the tourney. I really appreciate your prompt feedback. Nicely done :)
Hi Pam, looking good! Please don't shade or border fonts. We would love to see more variations. We like the new mountain, but we like the way you previously put "the" inside the mountains. We'd like to see a variation with the compass turned at an angle. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Revised entries: #89 - Moved the word 'The" inside the mountains, and eliminated the drop shadow on the words "Steward's Journey" #90 - Angled the compass slightly #91 - Angled the compass a little more #92 - Enlarged the compass/mountain graphic a bit #93 - Enlarged the graphic a bit more, and stacked the text
Let me know what other options you'd like to see. Thanks! Pam
We're definitely liking the serif fonts more. It would be fun to see even more drastically seriffed fonts, like what you might see in old English. Our founder studied in Scotland, and has a deep affection for the writings of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, etc. Thanks :)
#108 & #109 More drastically seriffed fonts. I'm currently manually smoothing out the font in #109 in case you think the distressed edges won't translate well to embroidery. Stay tuned. More to come! Pam
Hi Pam - thanks so much! Can we try variations on the green? Not forest, neon or mint, but maybe some blue-green, sea green or similar. Also, the trees are too much. Please clean it up. Is the font bolded? Maybe try unbolding it. Thanks for trying the ancient fonts... they didn't really do what we'd hoped.
#115, #116, #117, #118, #119, #120, #121 Hi, I removed the trees form all of these and changed the green to a more bluish green, sea green. #115 is the same font as #94, except it's unbolded. The rest of these submissions are different serif font options, in case #115 isn't exactly what you were looking for. Let me know if I need to change the green, or revise anything else. I would be happy to oblige. :) Pam
Hi Pam - we're close to making a decision. We would like to see more simplistic versions of the logo, preferably before the contest ends (if possible). More of just line drawings, pulling the themes of #163 together into something simple and basic. Thank you.
Hi Pam - we want to give you a shot at showing us some variations of your design. We've definitely narrowed it down to the compass w/mountain icon, but we're hoping for something simpler, maybe more organic/hand drawn. Let me know when you've come up with something for us to see. Thank you :)
#200 - Organic, hand drawn, simplified. I'm not sure if this is what you meant, or if this is as simple as you wanted it. I don't think I can simplify it any further, and still be able to tell it's a mountain and a compass. Let me know your thoughts. Pam