Thank you for this opportunity. I'm here to help even long after the contest is over. I can make all the modifications or variations you might want to make mine a perfect fit
Can you work on #22 a bit. I would like to see it in SF Giants Orange. Also I would like to see the slogan turned to the right so it is evenly placed. You could probably make the burger logo a bit smaller to accommodate that. Also the background of the truck is black so black letters will not work. Can you use white letters with and orange outline like the sf giants logo? Thanks
Sure thing. I'll check online to see if they tell the actual color they used I tried to sample the color. I can always change the color even after the contest. Take care Kent
I found the HEX color code FB5B1F, calibration on monitor can make a big difference too. #68 I did on an RGB document while #65 was CMYK (which might affect the color) Let me know if you need other modifications.
Hi Kent, can you move the burger a wee bit to the right on #68 so the bottom bun is exactly in the middle? Also could you make one more exactly the same as #68 but with white letters for the slogan.
Really hope you still choose my design. I've worked on other food trucks. I think the steam graphic will be a nice element that adds character Thank you