We like #39 and #38 but the feet are too detailed. Try silhuettes instead. Merge the two words: TheSocks and differentiate between the first letters and the rest in any way! Change the slogan to "when quality matters".
Instead of the shield could you see if you can develop something like the leaf in morris.se and put it in front of the logo? It shall communicate elegance and trustworthiness.
#124 #125 Se om du kan lägga till en liten triangel eller liknande där "grenarna" skiljer sig där nere, i bakgrunden, precis som på toppen. Som det är nu blir det lite abrupt avslut där grenarna skiljer sig.
#130 Se hur du kan utveckla badgen under eftermiddagen. Den blev inte klockren nu, men jag tror att du har förstått hur den övergripande formen ska vara - lite tyngre i överdelen och ett tydligt avslut där nere (I #130 blev det lite spretigt). Jag återkommer under seneftermiddagen
One logo is missing in "the collection", #124 with the small triangle in #132. The overall comments are that #124 still is best, the others are either too much black or too complicated. The top of the badge (the crown) is good in #124. However there is something that I am not really a fan of with the badge. Perhaps it is a bit too high, compared to the text and the width of the badge. If you have any idea of how you can change it to something similar but still completely different that would be interesting to see. Dvs, något i samma stil men som ändå har en helt annan form.
#153 I am still not really convinced that this is the badge/ikon we are looking for. Perhaps something in the same style but still different form. I cannot tell you how but just as you elaborated on developing the first one in #123 and #124 perhaps you can think of a new badge/ikon attached to the same font/text?
I have a revision for you. You can temporarily re-rank me to no1. Only then I can upload in judging mode. I have used the shield from #122 on #185 if you like to see it.