We like the font and banner. Not too crazy about making the buffalo a US flag. Fork and knife look good just like the Buffalo Sabres logo. Don't like hte design of the buffalo head. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback. Is the issue the flag within the buffalo's head or is the silhouette shape also not what you had in mind? Do you think you would prefer a different silhouette? Just trying to get a sense of how you feel about the design overall. At this point do you think you are leaning to something more cartoony? Thank you
#11 It's both the shape and the flag. The shape looks more like a moose than a buffalo. I like the addition to the city to the background. For the Buffalo's face look up the character Buffalo Bison a mascot for the local baseball team here in Buffalo. Take his face and make it pissed off and angry. Maybe with some smoke comming out it's nostrils, red eyes, and a bull ring through it's nose. Also would like a chef's hat placed on top. Thanks so much!