I would like the colour scheme to be in reverse order with the red beginning in the left and turning orange/yellow at about the half way mark and then green at about the 80% mark so 0 - 50 is red, 50-80 is yellow/orange and 80 -100 is green. Like a stoplight and representing a mark below 50 is stop, a mark between 50 -80 is yield caution and a mark over 80 is go. I think I like the wording below best but I am torn between that and on the side.
I like the simplicity and the different colours. Can you show me some samples of the same colours in the same order but with varying degrees of the colour like in example 2? It goes from a deeper red to a lighter red and fades into orange then yellow and then darker green?
Can you show me this version in the same colour scheme but reverse order. I am trying to show 0-50 score would be stop (deeper red to lighter), 50-80 score would be yield (orange-yellow) and 80-100 would be go (green). Thanks
Thanks Navas. I think I like #58 the best. I like the graduating of the colours but the last green square is too dark. Can you lighten it up as it is supposed to represent the go cloud in a traffic light. Red - Orange - Green
Congratulations! Thanks for your design. Can you please change the tag line to say Improve your Retirement ?(Should Not say Improve your Retireability)
I noticed the logo you sent me still has Improve your Retirementility. Can you please revise the slogan to say Improve Your Retirement and resend the logo is eps and jpg? Thanks