Please find initial concepts. I couldn't find a PDF you mentioned in the brief but I watched the 6 minute video. I would welcome any feedback you have at this stage. Thanks, Lee
#4: I like this one the best of the 5. particularly the boldness, the way the type is, the feeling of the shape below the cat/how could that have a single pussy/vagina shape in center. Cat could be more stylized/elegant. Talk bubbles, maybe/maybe not. I am going to see if I can upload the info from the PDF to the original brief. Thank you.
ALSO my branding coach just said: is it possible to have some more stacked and vertically oriented as a logo vs. the horizontal options that are already there. So this means the name is stacked on different lines and even tag line on 2 lines. Purpose: for scaling up of logo.
#33: something about this I really like except for the 2 extra curly bits on the very end of the top line. Looks like it is almost spelling a word JO OL, thanks
#32: I like the speech bubble/not the shape inside, could be bubble flipped, take shape out, and use the stacked type in #33, so the pointy tip of the bubble goes to the tag line . . . "enhancing . . ."