Entry #26 #28 #29 are definitely a different direction that i have seen so far. I like it alot. Being in a small town my logo cant be based around the alcohol because we just passed the ability to serve alcohol in Sparta,Tn. 26 and 29 i like the best but I'm drawn to the concepts in 29. Is it possible to embellish on the logos to involve more of the other attributes of my place? Thank you for wonderful logos thus far
Thank you, I added a couple of new variations, but if you have anything specific in mind, please feel free to share. Suggestions are more than welcome.
You are definitely one of the top designers. If possible can you integrate some New Orleans flair, celebrating like bithdays, anniversaries and such. I like the scroll work in the other logo. Feel free to take me to the extreme. I really want the logo to be the talk of the town. So far you are on the right path and style. I really like the example of the Seasons Cafe with all the different aspects of them integrated. Thank so much for your creative abilities so glad you decided to participate in this contest.
Hello Vea, Wanted to leave you some feedback since you are in the top 5. I wondered is it possible to make the fork more central as opposed to the guitar? I want both elements but maybe switched. I love the ribbon and banner idea for the tagline so l would like to see if it could be integrated into #43 along with the switching of the guitar and fork. Could we add more of the celebration symbolism as well. You have a great eye for logos so, I'm asking how will this work on my other items like cups, mugs, tshirts and menu's. I really value you opinion. Thanks again Marquest
The logos are great. Entry #63 is really close to the look I'm searching for. I like the vegetable and heart design in #61 better but could the vegetable part have more definition as being a vegetable and not so much a leaf? The entire logo design needs to be more rectangular instead of square if possible. The curved part at the very top should be more semi-circle if possible. I would also like to know if some New Orleans symbolism could be added like subtle but deliberate additions of fleur de lis and fretwork.
Hey thanks for the new logos They are wondeful, you making it hard to decide and my team is divided thus far. To help things along this is a link to my place, https://www.flickr.com/photos/sminor/3576223066/ it was formerly The Courthouse Grill. These are my top three of your designs #63, #44 and #27. I would like to switch the symbols of #63 with those of #60 with the guitar outline instead of the solid one. Also the 4 small circles for the vegetable symbol, could we change the color to orange? And make the fork more ornate. I would like for #63 and #44 to have the same services provided symbols. I also like the framing of #60 for #63 but needs to be wider and to include Fleur de lis symbols in the corners with scroll work complimenting them. Could the bottem ribbon be equal to the witdth of the logo? I hope you can make adjustment before the contest ends. Thank you so much
Thank you for showing me what the design looks like in Black and White. The adjustments look great. The Fleur de lis placement doesn't look as natural as I thought it would. I wanted the framing to be wider and similar to the overall shape of your design entry #86. Please guide me thought these last few adjustments so that I don't over do the logo and make it something other than effective. I respect your opinion in knowing what I'm trying to achieve. What would be your perfect logo for me?
Hello, I just added a few horizontal designs with a slightly different layout. They are a bit cleaner and I think they are in line with your requirements for the outdoor sign. #94 has also fleur de lis integrated into the ribbon more seamlessly, since it did kind of looked odd in the previous versions.
Looks different, some adjustments I like. The framing of the lettering, not that fond of that. Entry #91 with the top part of #93 with the fleur de lis integrated would be more of a fit to me. BTW have I told you that I really dig the simplicity of #27. The team likes the fact that it could stand alone as a icon or be the entire logo. Just thought you should know that we really are enjoying your designs and creativity.
Thank you for the updated designs. Entry#103 could you lose the ribbon ends make the arch blend into the scroll work with the Fleur de lis being the marriage point on both sides. Similar to entry #76 but more fluid with the transition. You have being wonderful throughout this entire process. But it is time for the hard part, finalization. Thanks for entry# 106 made a lot of the team cheer. You should have been here, you already have such a following. Thanks
Looks great. I prefer #108 over #107. Thank you for the design change. Could we have the space in the inner circle equally spaced around the symbols. Maybe a taller arc to have the symbols look centered. Could we also integrate more scroll work into the point where the marriage happens. Maybe intertwine the scroll work of the two colors to make it seem joined seamlessly. Thank You Again
Any progress on the modifications? Didn't know if I missed your submission. I know you are busy with other contest and projects, we have finished with all other designers for their final submissions and we are waiting on yours so that we may judge all of the designer together. Your final design Looks great. I prefer #108 over #107. Thank you for the design change. Could we have the space in the inner circle equally spaced around the symbols. Maybe a taller arc to have the symbols look centered. Could we also integrate more scroll work into the point where the banner meets the green scroll work. Maybe intertwine the scroll work of the two colors to make it seem joined seamlessly. Thank You Again - Quest
Could we try a variation without the fleur de lis, the arc being taller to accommodate the symbols moving more towards the center of the arc and the "THE" is larger and more prominent? I like the details in #154 and #152 as far as the scroll work, if we could stay in line with those that would be great. It's okay if the arc is more of an arch in order to achieve the look we are looking for. Well, glad to be working with you again and we have all day only if you need it.
So, here's the updated version with "The" being more prominent and the arch a bit taller. I kept the scroll work as close to the original as I could #155
#155 could we give the arc more arch and move the symbols up to the center and make the "The" be more prominent? Also could we take the green scroll work and match it on the bottom horizontal line in purple with the fleur de lis symbol in the middle and have the scroll work compliment the symbol? I would like for the Fleur de lis to have the same size perspective as the "THE" on the top. I hope I explained well enough for your creativity to take over. Trying to create an open frame for "Purple Fork". Could I see it with the green and purple . then with green and green. then green and purple with green fleur de lis. then green and green with purple fleur de lis. hope I coveted my thought okay.
Hello Vea, Thank you for the adjustments. Could you do the same styles again with a more noticeable arch to the arc and a larger space between the symbols and the "THE". In my mind the fleur de lis is pointy side down or upside-down. So that it doesn't interfere with the underline of PURPLE FORK or we could just move it down and increase the scrolling. Wanting the scrolling in the middle to be more than on the ends similar to the green scrolling on the top of the Purple Fork. Thank you
Hello Vea, Thank you for the adjustments. Could you do the same styles again with a more noticeable arch to the arc and a larger space between the symbols and the "THE". In my mind the fleur de lis is pointy side down or upside-down. So that it doesn't interfere with the underline of PURPLE FORK or we could just move it down and increase the scrolling. Wanting the scrolling in the middle to be more than on the ends similar to the green scrolling on the top of the Purple Fork. Thank you
#155 the arc is higher on this one, than the ones submitted #172 #173 #174. Really anxious to get to the final decision on you designs. The team is so excited everytime you submit. I have to let them know you are in a different time zone as well as Country. The creative mind needs sleep too. Anyway Thanks a whole bunch and take care. Quest
Should we extend the judging timeframe. To give you more time to make the final adjustments. We really are open to doing that if you need the extra time.
I have made both types of arches - one wider and rounder and the other one taller and straight since I'm not sure which one you want. It would be easier if you just send me a picture of the type of arch you have in mind.
I have also made the two versions with the fleur de lis - one with the original and one upside down, just in case.
Please note that all ornaments are hand-drawn and it's taking more time to revise.
Sent you a message earlier requesting a way to send you what you need to create the look we are looking for exactly. I'm sorry if we made the process cumbersome, I hope the PDF will make it better