Hey thanks for the new logos They are wondeful, you making it hard to decide and my team is divided thus far. To help things along this is a link to my place,
https://www.flickr.com/photos/sminor/3576223066/ it was formerly The Courthouse Grill. These are my top three of your designs #63, #44 and #27. I would like to switch the symbols of #63 with those of #60 with the guitar outline instead of the solid one. Also the 4 small circles for the vegetable symbol, could we change the color to orange? And make the fork more ornate. I would like for #63 and #44 to have the same services provided symbols. I also like the framing of #60 for #63 but needs to be wider and to include Fleur de lis symbols in the corners with scroll work complimenting them. Could the bottem ribbon be equal to the witdth of the logo? I hope you can make adjustment before the contest ends. Thank you so much