50 is one of my very favorites, only thing is, if you look on my site, I only have about 72px high (I have lots of room wide) and it would be really small on there. :(
ya, it was a template, I tried getting a bigger logo there and we couldn't figure out how to adjust it. I think if it was any bigger it might seem empty on top anyway?
50 is still my favorite but the more I think about it, the more I need a logo for my watermark with maybe just a P or two in it. SO I am torn! Maybe if you can get something with that same style in the layout of 48? Not sure. loving all your stuff!
I put a little sample with the circle on my site and it looks funny, SO sad, I love it so much. Hmm well, if you can come up with a different layout soon let me know.
Loving 119! not too much a fan of the P like I thought or the star, can you put a camera in there or make it into a lens or a shutter or something photography-ish?
Please check #144 and#145 - I really like these ones ... the concept is having a map pin to represent 'place' but in the shape of 'P' for Preset ... the hole could be a camera shutter - but I like that its kept simple as just a hole ??
I couldn't tell what they were. :( I thought it was a Dvd. I like the one with the camera in it but maybe change up the camera a little? Or if you have any other ideas? Thank you so much!
I just keep going back to 50! I just love it so much. Can you try the light turquoise on the word preset, and I will decide here in the next day, I think If I can make that area a little bigger and move over the menu it will look great!