I like a lot of things I see in the entries. We would like the logo to have roses in it. I didn't say that at first because I wanted to see what people came up with just out of their minds. I see that the baby is a focus and that is good. At the same time we would like roses to be incorporated into that theme. Perhaps a dozen "red" roses and ONE "white" rose to signify being "Chosen". Also the "Loved" part of the theme should stand out. I would like to see more brightness to the logo, something that really POPS when you see it for the first time.
I'm looking forward to the changes and all the entries. Matthew
Dear Globalwarrior, I tried to make a light however I do not think it'll work.Please, check and let me knwo what do you think. It is 3AM in my country. I'll design more logos tomorrow. Thank you, Masis
I like the rose and the light. The rose should be one of many though. The idea is to have about a dozen roses of one color "Red" and then one rose that is "White" standing out and the light shining on it as if the light is coming down from Heaven.
Thank you for all you efforts, looking good. Matthew
Is there any way to spread the red roses out so that they are at both right and left boarders of the logo?
Also can you incorporate the other colors? The Purple and the yellow into the logo?
I like the light concept, but could it be more like a "Spotlight" shining down on the white rose, like something you would see if the rose were on a stage?
Yes Masis it is getting much closer to what I'm looking for.
Can the area that the roses are in be bigger? I like the circle idea but could it be more like an oval shape? Could it be wider not taller.
I'd like to have the "red" roses a little bigger if that is possible and more spread out in the oval shape. Could I have only three colors of roses, red, yellow and white? Only one white rose.
The spotlight is exactly what I'm looking for GREAT JOB!!!!!
One more thing, could the "Chosen and Forever Loved Gala 2015" bigger and could the color of the font be the purple?
Thank you for your latest entry. I really like how you switched the roses and the colors work much better now.
Could you add one more small rose right in the middle under the spotlight? It would look great if it was another yellow rose. I realize the light will make it sort of faded in terms of it standing out but lets give it a shot. All the other roses look fantastic and I really like the placement.
On the big white rose, is there any way to add a glimmer to it, like it was a diamond shining in the light? If you could try that , it would be great.
Can we move the yellow rose that is closest to the spotlight and the red rose that is directly above the large white rose up just a little bit. They crowd the white rose just a bit.
Also, great try on the light I was talking about on the white rose.
What I was looking for was more an effect that looks like a twinkle, like a star light. Not with multiple lines but like if you we looking at the election of the sun in a piece of glass. See what you think you can do. It's really looking great though. We are almost there for sure.
Also, great try on the light I was talking about on the white rose.
What I was looking for was more an effect that looks like a twinkle, like a star light. Not with multiple lines but like if you we looking at the election of the sun in a piece of glass. See what you think you can do. It's really looking great though. We are almost there for sure.
Thank you for sending the jpg files to be approved. I do like them very much but I would like to get the ai files as well. I have Adobe Illustrator in my office and I might want to tweak the logo just a bit to my liking for the final version. Would you be able to do that for me just as you did with the jags? If I could have a small, medium and large file of the logo that would be wonderful. Thank you very much and GREAT JOB!! Matthew
I waited, when you close the project is to get the money. EPS file that I sent you. EPS file vector file that opens (AI). logotournament does not save (AI). here is my EMail: maisartdesign@gmail.com