Would you be able to put small roses among the test. If they could look as 3D as possible that woul dbe great. Also I like the girl, I like her color and I like the heart over her womb. I would really like the streaming water that is around her though to actually be more associated with the word "Streaming". Can we move the blue water and the girl to the left side of the logo and make the water more of a 3D object as well. I really want something that has a lot of depth to it, I don't want a flat looking logo. Also if the color of the water can be a royal blue and purple color that would also be optimal.
Thank you for your entries, I really like where you're going with it. I'll be checking constantly for your updates and I'm really looking forward to them.
Yes that is looking a lot better. Can the roses be a brighter color? Perhaps a bright pink like the middle of the heart that is on the womb of the mother.
Also the small stream looks more like a snake. Could you incorporate the small stream into the bottom of the larger one and then bring it over and underneath the text "The Pregnancy Cetner" using two colors. The same colors that are in the larger stream.