could somebody use folders look like mine on our website and layout the word pics on top of it. maybe make it diagonal on top of the folder. and use writing font.
our workers the we provide are mostly skilled TRADES, TRANSPORT AND EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND RELATED OCCUPATIONS. please play around those industry. not much in office workers (tie)
no miss thats my mistake if i could design it better. hmm i understand know what kind of workers... i design today a folder but i have problems with the layout that you like...puh... i hope you will like it..
#22 can you make the folder sideways, have a small text "The PAPERWORK" on the tab and overlay the who word art on the folder. we'll see how it will look like. Another to add is make some insert in the folder that relate integration or support. Nice folder.
#24 make the folder face up, make it bigger as to fit all the text "PICS Integration and Comunity support program" on it. when the folder is bigger, the text on the tab would be visible too.
#27- we're almost on the same page. Folder face up but make it lenght wise/sideways. the binder side should at the bottom. so that you can make the text bolder. Thanks for keep twicking the design for me. :)
so sorry for my English :) please give me feedback after the work i uploaded so i have the chance to make it like you want and i have a better chance to win the contest... kind Regards :)
#31 Hi Desi. thanks for your hard work. for #31 can you please make the left side forward and the right side to move backward instead? and in the tab "The PAPERWORK" no letter s and all only the second word is all capital. Please play around with the whole PICS Integration...... text. use other font, color, style, shadow or embossed etc. to make it readable.
dear client i try it for 2 days but its really not looking good... i dont want that you and your buissnes have problems with my logo so i have made this one . ıntergatıon and communıty support program is to long for a folder. could we writte another think in it what is smaller? but if you ask me PICS is ok, but the other text must under the logo so its more impresive. what do you think miss?
#38 This is great desi! Can you add what the P stands for in the text around the circle. if doesnt fit u can omit the work program.
Keep playing around. I have my business partner too to judge. make it vibrant, colorful look happy as this is a community program. and it has culture in it (PHilippines)
Ow thank you for the 1st rank :) i hope that i can win the compotition :) you want that more colorful ok i do my best to make it more colorful :) thank you really again this makes me happy today. at first i upload the same work with the ''p'' and than i try to make it with more color. here is it :)
Hi Desi, You are doing good. Can you further modify the #41 by changing the blue inner circle to white and changing the font's color of Paperwork Intergration Community and Service to blue (dark blue) .. i just want to see. n I want more colors, life. I am particularly looking at a design that will really be an eye catcher when placed besides other company logos.. Thanks. Im the business partner. ;-)
#41 Try to change P.I.C.S and put back the glow side on the folder like 38 and add "The" at the beginning of Paperwork Integration blah blah blah :) -gbrost
The word PAPERWORK is also one word, it looks like you break them in two.
thank you for the great feedback gbrost. yes it is looking really greate i try to make it in more color but now i have not found a solution... but white background looks clean! i have made the changes :)
im so sick this week so i can not get out of my bed... but this have give me time to think about integration i hope you like this as i do. the puzzle is for integration and the folder is the primary object of your buisness and together it is paperworks , Looks also good with p.i.c.s. on the folder. many kisses desi #86